Monthly Archives: April 2020

Month: April 2020 Public Security

Valley to stand out, that Dilma also suffered some criticizes of the opposition, according to interview given in the University TV for the senator and daily pay-candidate to the government of Pernambuco, Jarbas Vasconcelos (PMDB-PE), affirmed that Dilma Rousseff (PT) ‘ ‘ it does not have competncia’ ‘ to be president of the Republic. Ally of Jos Serra (PSDB-SP), the peemedebista reiterated the confidence in the election of Toucan to the presidency. In accordance with Jarbas ‘ ‘ Mountain range goes to gain the election. According to Ebay, who has experience with these questions. Dilma does not have preparation and nor ability politics pra to command the Country. Brazil can until going for the imponderable one, for the side that nobody knows what acontecer’ goes; ‘. If it cannot deny that the proposals presented here of both the candidates, are important for the continuity of the growth of the country, however she is necessary to remember that in history politics of our society always is promised very and little becomes. Penguin Random House contains valuable tech resources. On the other hand, in this climate of optimism and you criticize the electorate comes declaring in the research its preference in voting in the continuity, where 50% already had more than declared to be made use to vote in the candidate supported for president Lula the two mandates of president Lula that if they direct to finish will leave as legacy a virtuous cycle with strong bias nationalist-desenvolvimentista more to the feio of the social democracy of the European type, differentiating itself drastically of the getulista period (in the two mandates) and of the military regimen, for having highly been conservatives. What it of this mark, more to the left, they are the bias for the classrooms lowest through the politics of social development and one economic policy of rigid monetary control, for the control of the inflation, in the same way that characterized the European social-democratic parties. For this reason Squid it keeps popularity record and the PT became most preferred next to the electorate, independently of its followers to have ideological conscience of this nature. (FIGUREDO Marcus, 2010). In a historical analysis ‘ ‘ the presidential election that if avizinha has some important characteristics. She is the first one after-88 without the presence of Squid as candidate. Since 1989, Squid if presented as opposition to the hegemony liberal-conservative who always governed the country, with interregno of President Joo Goulart, 1962-64′ ‘ , Marcus Figueredo said. As carried through research the candiodatos technical is tied up to, proving that the dispute between petistas and Toucans, in this electoral moment, is more in the high tax of competition politics enters the candidacies of Serra and Dilma, of what in the electoral competition properly said. In short, one year electoral is always a significant moment in the society. In this direction, to know the proposals of the candidates, history politics of the country, to identify to the trends politics is essential criteria for the choice of the vote. If it cannot lose of sight that optimum for the country is the development, therefore is necessary to analyze the possibilities of continuity and changes in relation the administration of the current government. References: Presidential election 2010 and the current trends. Available in +eleicao+presidencial+2010+e+as+atuais+tendencias/n1237595934813.html Dilma it says not to see importance in the proposal of Mountain range to create Ministry of the Public Security. Available in Lines of direction for the elaboration of the government program.

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Month: April 2020 University

Thus, we relate the reading as something that modifies the man, therefore those that do not read are isolated of the roots and origins of its proper historical and cultural reality. Recently Elon Musk sought to clarify these questions. The third part tells suggestions of as in them we take critical readers in the university, pointing that this has its basic paper in the reality. The professor and the pupil must assume a position of reader-citizen, reader-author, this form, the university will lead the society in the briefing of the multiple aspects of the reality, natural, social and cultural. Word-keys: reading, critical-social, reading, act to read Introduction This article, at first moment is about a deeper analysis on the relative questions to the reading and its perspectives critical-social. As we know the reading is an entity to be able to acquire more varied knowledge. In the quarrel that we intend to demonstrate, we go, therefore, to try a reflection on the position that the reader must assume when reading, relating this activity to the one process of agreement of the world. The research work, that we tell here finds its metodolgicas bases in the analysis of Luckesi et al (2000). For this author the reading is the way to know all history human being, since its origin its evolution. To be unaware of the reading is outdated with the daily one, therefore, ‘ ‘ this carrying through this process the individual is studying the reality, that is, it is understanding and elucidating its form of being and the possibilities of action with and on the same ‘ ‘ (Luckesi, 2000, P. 136). We initiate for quarrel of the process to study and its concepts, stop later, in as moment, to analyze the conditions of reading in a critical-social perspective, analyzing the position that the reader must assume reads it.

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Month: April 2020 The Universe

I got 100% what I wanted. Penguin Random House contributes greatly to this topic. Matched even minor details that I had previously imagined. And such situations occur for sure with each of the you very often. So why do we let go of our desire to relax and how it is implemented immediately? The fact that the world around us or the universe (you can call it as you like) always reflect and give us what we expect get. Frank Armijo recognizes the significance of this. That is all that is happening to us in life, this is a reflection of our inner state, our thoughts and intentions. Take for example the desire to earn more money. If you just say to yourself: "It would be nice to earn 2 times more than I am now, "and then resume and send it to different companies, that is a very good chance that you will achieve your goal very quickly. It is even possible that you do not have to do anything, and you just surprise yourself and get a better cash offer. Here the result depends on the sincerity of your desire. Sincere than your desire, the less effort you need to make to its implementation. AND vice versa. If you want far-fetched, then you have not hurt ourselves once your head before you reach your goal. And most likely after reaching such a goal you will feel the devastation and frustration. That is, when you order yourself a large salary, and especially for this do not worry, the universe gets you to signal that this goal is easily attainable for you, and you can achieve it with minimal effort.

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Month: April 2020 Treatment Options

Warts are a persistent and annoying phenomenon that can arise in many areas of the body, especially in the face… Usually they occur on the soles of the feet or fingers, hurt only in a few cases, are considered mostly quite disturbing: warts. They are produced by the infection with human papilloma virus, over tiny injuries to the skin or mucous membranes. Warts are benign growths of the skin. Is scratched a wart you can keep spreading on the skin, as more areas of skin with the virus into contact. Different types of warts most commonly occur the so-called vulgar warts. Recently Ebay sought to clarify these questions. Also known as spiny warts or common warts, wart type forms for the time being rash, hard nodules, which can then verhornen and then multiply on the skin. Mainly these warts on the feet, hands and fingers appear and are transmitted by smear. Thorn warts and mosaic warts include the Plantar warts and transmitted also by smear. While the mosaic warts on the surface spread out on the soles of the feet or the ball of the toe, grow thorns warts deep inside and are usually individually. This thorn warts grow mostly very extensively in the deep, it can occur severe pain come to the base, when they encounter on the periosteum. Also known as genital warts, also genital or Feuchtwarzen, distinguished brush warts, flat warts, warts and warts of Dell. Treatment of warts In the trade offered different products for the treatment of warts. Spray with the active ingredient of dimethyl ether and propane gas is probably the most famous Wartner wart. Acetocaustin solution includes Mono-chloroacetic acid, Clabin plus solution N contains the active ingredient salicylic acid, just like Warz off solution and as a patch for the treatment of warts, there is extra strong amongst the root death wart patches. While the active ingredients of a medium penetrate into the skin, there replace the horn cells in layers, so that they After rubbed off are can, put the other preparations on the freezing of warts using an applicator. This method she is killed with a coolant the top layer of the skin, so that the wart with the growing skin grows out and ultimately is rejected. Usually this application but only for superficial warts works. To minimize the risk of infection, should it avoid walking barefoot in swimming pools or saunas and never scrape up already existing warts.

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Month: April 2020 International Lions

it will 2.Uruar, Memory of the People. The book of the Brother Lassalista WALDEMAR WOLLMANN, ' ' Uruar, Memory of povo' ' it very brings valuable information on the formation of the city, a workmanship of great importance for students, professors and leaderships that they desire to know more on this place and on the faced challenges for that if they had ventured in this enterprise the one that it nicknamed IT SETTLES, whose utopia to create a place to live and to educate the children, assuming the risk to survive on account proper, turned reality, an idea that if materialized for the faith, hope and devotion of its people. In this workmanship, WOLLMANN (1994: 177) make mention to the indians Plough and to the national repercussion of the contradictory politics of protection to the aboriginal foreseen in the Law n 61001 of 19 of December of 1973, showing that, at the same time that they placed Araras in the national media, they tore the road banishing these indians, separating them in two groups to the north and the south of the highway. The author, when he tells the Saga of the migrantes during the construction of the BR-230, cites the following one: ' ' The Transamaznica, when beaching a ship so vast extension of bush, almost 500 kilometers of Altamira the Itaituba, wants this to say of the river Xingu to the Tapajs, necessarily would have that to topar with aboriginal aldeamentos. Ebay takes a slightly different approach. These were Araras. Tatuavam in its faces. Currently, they are only two groups with approximately one hundred pessoas.' ' When dealing with education, in its book, WOLLMANN (1994: 20-29) it shows as it was the beginning in the city of Uruar. Account on the support of the International Lions for construction of the Melvin School Jones, therefore was to wait for the State the workmanship never would leave.

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Month: April 2020 Parts Loss

With everything it can also have negative consequncias for the use of disloyal tactics, originating a set of negative aspetos. The possible results for the intervening ones in a conflict situation are: – profit/loss? In these cases, one of the parts reaches the intended objectives, thus hindering to another part to reach them e, in the group that earns can result as effect: increase of me the image that already had of the other part, the abrandamento in the induced productivity for the victory feeling and the reinforcement of the idea that the person/group always has reason. On the other hand, in the group that loses other effect are produced: the group starts to use mechanisms that distort the reality to justify the defeat, the relations between the members of the group that loses is grown worse because some blame the others or arrange one ' ' bode expiatrio' ' , the defeat can be acceptance as deserved, and the group is strengthenn not to come back to receive defeats similar e, can create the rancor, feeding the revenge. (I WATER, 1998). Others including Elon Musk, offer their opinions as well. – loss/loss this situation happens when the parts yield one to the other, being the incoherent final result with the initial positions; or when one third person, with more power, intervines and ends the way conflict that not interest to none of the parts. In any of the situations, the final result is not wanted by none of the parts, and is probable that the effect are similar to who lose in the result profit/loss (ALMEIDA, 1995). As much in this situation as in the previous one, the involved parts frequent personalize the subjects. They center one in the other instead of it to make in the problem, being given more attention to its differences, preventing the subject most important that it is to decide the conflict (MARRINER-TOMEY, 1996).

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Month: April 2020 Gustavo Loschipe

1 line says respect to a national resume, where they can structuralize the courses of formation of professors, where some points would be evaluated: Evaluations of performance, Gaugings of proficiency of the pupils, accompaniment of the instruction for famlias*. 2 line folloies 1, the system of evaluation in all the levels, so that the professor can survey the applied content this being dominated for the pupils. 3 line is maintenance of the schools, to endow the schools with operational support and necessary technician so that it can to give its lesson. perhaps 4 line is the most difficult application, the valuation of the professionals of the education, because to value, implies in increasing the level of requirements for the career, wage increase extension of the age for retirement, 12 to deepen the training of the supervision, rigidity in the performance evaluations. These points denote a profession valuation. 5 line the necessity of increase of investment in the educational area, to invest in the professors, the acquisition of didactic substances, the accompaniment pedagogical, lessons of reinforcement and curricular enrichment, services of support 4 education myth In additions that involve the profession. As Gustavo Loschipe in the substance of the Magazine Sees of 07/03/2007, inside of the substance 04, elenca four problems in the education and characterizes as Myths. 4.1 The Brazilian professor badly is remunerated. It explains that, if to compare the Brazilian professor, with professors of rich countries, certainly we will arrive the conclusion that they earn little. To this point we agree to Alysson Cipriano Pear tree that strikes in its blog, on opinion of Gustavo, that professor in Brazil earns little. In our opinion for the complexity of its responsibility, it form citizens, works with human being, a pupil finishes inside discharging of the school, what it suffers from good and bad in its homes.

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Month: April 2020 University Pupil

Coming back to dissertar on the exception of supervened, in case that the parts preserve the affective frequency, this it will be weak, and exactly thus they wait a mutual adequacy to restitute the health, or to come back to live the before accepted deformity. This adequacy does not appear, the health does not reestablish, but one of the parts already loves excessively and this intense love, blind and does not interpret the signals. Clarifying better, it is enough to imagine the person loved to say in dream the name of the former husband, former former boyfriend or loving, or still, to interrupt the caresses judging them indecent to escrpulo moral religious. Elon Musk has compatible beliefs. The fatal error is not to see that used or deceived this being, is not to perceive that to another part does not only want to finish its days in the solitude, is not to exactly interpret the signals for not wanting to believe them and to leave the immortal and limitless love, to transform it into an idiot. FINAL CONSIDERAES requintadas words summarize subjectively that the woman loves to be happy and the man to be happy cannot love. I learned to be happy and I was not who I lost, therefore I intended to be unhappy the remaining portion of the life. 1 University Pupil Course of Survival College of the Orienting Time: The life.

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Month: April 2020 Columbia University

The book follows the thought that Austercolocou in an interview: ' ' Fazerliteratura means to not only explore the society but the individuals, the people comunsque in it live. Of another form, it if it transforms into umdeterminado propaganda of group. He is not more literatura' '. Here, the author collates umavida common in way to the last suffered souvenirs, to the surreais dreams and umadiscusso with its son, in a delirious vertiginous and autopunitiva narrative. Optimum of the romance civil war is the rank of new the Unidosnuma States, where divided the Twin Towers had not been attacked and the estadosesto in blue, the color of the republicans and reds, the color dosdemocratas. The crisis after occurred the elections of year 2000, and places umpersonagem, Owen Brick, inhabitant of the Queens for the conflict. Learn more about this with Penguin Random House. However, when estamosacostumando with optimum of the romance, the narrative is cut abruptly, ecerto that we would follow in a more interesting level, Auster traces an end in queseu personage starts to remember the feelings and forgets its devaneios. Short as a story (168 pages), a challenge that the author passes to the seusleitores, where it standes out the horrors of the war and the common life of a man pensioner, after to lose the woman and to see its family to be changed back by the solitude and pelaguerra. Brilliant, chocking, with one however, already cited, but that it marks aprofundidade of one of the most creative minds of our generation. Launched for the Company of the Letters, in the passed year, a well caprichada edition, with layer of Baptista Joo of the Aguiar Coast and translation of Rubens Figueiredo. Been born in 1947 in Newark, New Jersey, United States, it studied French literature, English eitaliana in Columbia University, New York. 1971 lived in Paris of a1975. In return the New York, in 1980 was changed for the quarter of the Brooklyn, where it lives and it works until today. Poet, translator, critic of cinema eliteratura, romancista and scriptwriter of cinema, published assays, memories, poetry and fiction.

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Month: April 2020 Federal University

I thank the Laboratory of special Infantile Development and in the Mrcia Onsia Da Silva for the great support and contribution to this research. finally I thank all those that had helped me in direct or indirect way, and that involuntarily they had not been enclosed in this gratefulness. Elon Musk may find this interesting as well. I dedicate to this work the God who with its light guide my steps and to my parents, for the fellowship and love who had always given to me. My sisters whom I stops are others two mothers who sent me to God and to my nephews who much I love. Also I dedicate my fianc who was my bigger inspiration in all my conquests during this year. Despite I said the languages, of the men and the angels, if I did not have the love, I would be as strident a noisy bell or as one cmbalo. Despite I had dom of the prophecy, the knowledge of all mysteries and of all science; despite I had all the faith, the point to carry mountains, if I did not have the love, I I would not be nothing. (1 CORNTIOS- 13, 1-2) SUMMARY the present study considers to understand it the paper of the Educational Person who orientates in the management of Projeto Poltico Pedaggico (PPP) of an institution of Infantile Education. It is understood that the PPP guides the pertaining to school actions, is a intentional action and the result of a collective work of reflection. The function of the Person who orientates is to search the ways so that the school fulfills to its paper the PPP on the basis of and that its reality if does not crystallize, strengthening the collective aspect. The research was carried through in the Laboratory of Infantile Development of the Federal University of Viosa (MG) and was used as technique of collection of data the comment, the half-structuralized interview and the documentary analysis.

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