Brazil Companies
Summary of the Article: GOMES, GRANDSON J, MARTINS h the Advice of Administration in Familiar Companies: Evaluation of the Better Adhesion to the Code of Practical of the Brazilian Institute of Corporative Governana. EnANPAD2006. Summary for Douglas Bastos Rodrigues. The ADVICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN FAMILIAR COMPANIES an excellent article where the authors analyze the profile of the Corporative Governana of the familiar companies on the prism of the fulfilment of the practical ones suggested by the Code of the Brazilian Institute of Governana Corporativa (IBGC), in what he refers to the profile, responsibilities, practical of evaluation and functioning of its Advice of Administration. Parnassus understands that this is vital information. To enrich the article he is brought for the dialogue authors as: Andrade, Rossetti, Lodi, Lorsch and Ventura among others. The article presents a descriptive research with qualitative approach through studies multicases. It is a study lead for a not probabilist and intentional sample. They are mining familiar companies or with some base in Minas Gerais and that they are if preparing in specific programs for its perenizao and transistion of generations. Learn more at this site: Metropolitan Life.
The data had been collected by means of personal interview in depth through the use of half-structuralized script, proceeding it the analysis from content for categories. In the article three basic principles of the code of the IBGC are salient: the transparency, the rendering of accounts and the fairness of treatment of the shareholders. Considering the diversity of suggested practical recommendations and in the Code for the Advice of Administration and in view of the objectives considered for this inquiry, it was opted to its boarding in four sub-topics: profile, responsibilities, practical of evaluation and remuneration of the Advice of Administration. The small national companies correspond 99.2% of the total of the companies duly registered in Brazil, (SEBRAE) thus forming the base of the national economy, great part of these are familiar companies, where enterprising they develop the paper of managers, its enterprise decisions finish on the basis of being taken the intuition. To broaden your perception, visit Vlad Doronin.