Business Succession
VTC group from Munich is involved with 70 per cent of S + s separation and sorting Technology GmbH in Schonberg have retroactively to January 1, 2011 the ownership changed. In pending succession arrangements, and to ensure the successful continuation of the growth of the company, the VTC participates in group from Munich with 70 percent 18 years after acquiring the Hoesch-Krupp company, the existing S + S cede to S + S. owner Paul Dittrich, Franz Greipl, Helmuth Frisch und Karl Eibl the majority group on the VTC. Karl Eibl and Helmuth Frisch remain active as managing partner at S + S and will continue to develop with the new majority shareholder the company. When the decision to transfer of the shares, it was very important to preserve the independence of the company and to secure the site, or the jobs in Schonberg the previous shareholders. With more than 250 employees, is deeply rooted S + S in the region. The selection process for the new equity was significantly influenced by this aspect. The S + S is separation and sorting Technology GmbH, a leading developer and manufacturer of detection, separation and sorting systems for the application in the Indus trie and the processing of recyclables (recycling).
1976 in Schonberg founded, is S + S has grown and has built in the last eight years subsidiaries in Singapore, China, United States, United Kingdom and France. As all systems and equipment in Germany are but developed, constructed and manufactured. Nearly 60 percent of the products are exported worldwide. S + S euro achieved a turnover of over 30 million last year. The group behind VTC four private partners, aimed at the profitable growth of the Group companies while maintaining their economic independence.
The high capital adequacy allows to VTC act independently and to pursue long-term growth concepts. In five business areas will with 2,000 employees in the areas of infrastructure technology, Power supply and a group turnover of approximately EUR 400 million generating machinery and equipment construction. We have a healthy company that is ideally positioned for the future. With the integration into the new group of companies, not only the cornerstone of the business succession is set at S + S, but also as the basis for further growth, with the necessary investments in the country and abroad,”Managing Director Helmuth Frisch performs. S + S at a glance S + S separation and sorting Technology GmbH, Schonberg, provides equipment and systems for the detection /-separation, product inspection and sorting of material flows forth. The sales of the products is focused mainly on the food, plastics, chemical, pharmaceutical, wood, textile and recycling industry. S + S one of the leading suppliers on the world market is with subsidiaries in Britain, France, China, Singapore and the United States, a representative office in India, and more than 40 offices around the world. Are S + S Group currently 300 staff employed, of which 250 at the main plant in Schonberg. 2010, revenues amounted to over 30 million euros.