The exact references: here more than one hundred and forty men in missed us of our Navy nine days on the way from Apalachee up there up here, we walked dozientas and eighty leagues also have certain gaps as: others came another day many can say that he responds to formal aspects insofar as the author makes his narrative a story in which the narration of events looks soaked certain literary topics even to glimpse legacies of the literature of the time. In this section is necessary to point out that the element chronological is in detriment of the formal element as they show it: chronological mismatches. There are a number of passages where you can observe as not respecting the order in which the events took place in reality; an example can be found in chapter X that Narvaez and cow are separated and it gets back to the topic until quite a few chapters later. However, also can adopt another perspective with regard to these elements and verify that its use is confined to the literature of the era: they are inherited from the Byzantine tradition and last aim keep the reader’s interest. With just to get it does not hesitate to postpone the narration of events which have already occurred in reality. This last aspect of the chronological mismatch makes that shipwrecks closer to the narrative class that since cronistico style that the latter requires a coexistence between the temporal space of events and the narrative. We also highlight within this set relative to the structure, the introduction of digressions within the main story (anecdotes) whose common bond is made up by the author. One of the most relevant narrative elements of the narrative of this author, and relates to the structure, is the justification of facts, as pointed out by C.
Vidaurre Arenas: … wanted to stay there, parties and promises of land made them. … and I, for more safety, were with him … …, this commanded a captain Pantoja … to receive the bastimentos … because he was very bad port … and that there was very marked thing us happened.
Causality is also reflected by the Narrator at the time stating reasons leave in writing their experiences: … I thought that it wouldn’t be out of order and purpose with which I wanted to write this way, tell it here.(7) This constant justification of facts largely determines the frasistica provision as well as the structure of the story. It highlights also the employment of very usual formulas of the era used in Chronicles of conquests or exploration which aims to maintain the reader’s interest making you believe that they will be telling things that had never before been seen. Original author and source of the article