Community Manager

It is noteworthy the initiative that emerged in October 2010 about the initiative discussion of a Manual of ethics of the Community Manager of the Spanish blog Senior Manager and seeks the support of the AERCO to formalize the document as such. The writing of sixteen points, to open to contributions and debate date, contemplates issues as respect for the national and international laws, based on principles of opportunity and how quickly social media strategies, reject discrimination and prejudicial exclusion, respect for the sensitive information of the organisation, confidentiality of their actions, anticipate and report conflicts of interestavoid self-promotion (he as a trade mark) and spam, among others. Errors of perception given that there is a University profile per will and coupled with the speed with which evolve social media today, professionals of different areas have taken on this work by accident and exercising it, or they should at least do so, amid a constant learning. However, no few companies who choose, either by ignorance or because they do not consider it necessary, leave this function in hands considered too inexperienced. The pioneers in this topic are very emphatic to emphasize that the community manager role cannot be delegated to fellows, interns and students in practice who come to the organization. Cannot be the company communication in social environments at the hands of someone who by his natural inexperience, lacks knowledge and strategy.

This is a blunder, says Gaby Castellanos (2010), CEO of SrBurns, agencia Espanola de marketing social media-oriented. Another trend that has been detected is the minimization of its work, to consider in some companies it is limited or reduced only to update the status on Twitter, in Facebook profile and upload the videos to YouTube, and therefore will not need a prepared person who will be in electronic entertainment during the working day. Other misperceptions which lists Radillo (2010) are: does not generate a return on investment or ROI, your community only exists and interacts in Office hours, they are to sell, your entirely digital workspace, must be a rockstar and have a very popular personality. Demand and opportunities in 2010 the IAB Spain consultant in conjunction with Bauna and Cool Insights presented the first study on trends in the labour market in the digital advertising sector whose objective is to know the keys to the labour market in the sector of advertising and digital marketing. For this purpose they analyzed aspects such as satisfaction with employment, remuneration or salary, job rotation, training and most demanded profiles. Asked what jobs or professional profiles are more defendants in its sector in the coming years?, the study received by first response community manager with 15% over other digital media-related professions and other more traditional. Currently, professional profile which is usually the most requested for community manager positions is the journalist / social Communicator, the reason is that in their university training, these professionals acquire knowledge and they develop the skills that are required: writing and spelling, public relations, journalism, media, among others; so for graduates of these programs becomes a new labour by explore option.

Become community manager, as Pamela Torres (2010), says it requires of taste by dealing with people, learn to understand them, keep them interested and not ignore them; all this complemented by the comprehensive management of the so-called Web 2.0. And don’t forget that the dizzying pace who currently hold technological developments, require discipline of upgrade and reinvent permanently.