English Read

Letramento is to read histories with books in the hands, is to be touched with histories chores, is to make personage, best the friends, letramento is to exactly discover itself for the reading and for the writing, to understand who people are and to discover who we can be. 2,2 LETRAMENTO AND SCHOOL The letramento act provides to the discovery of the world in the language area and education, a new and total fascinating world. However, the presentation of the letramento with the school must be made of attractive form, establishing a pleasant vision on the child, in way that becomes one practical continuum. The reading develops the intellectual capacity of the individual having to be part of its daily one and developing the creativity and its relation with the external way. Already the letramento under the cultural and social conditions is the comparison between the criteria that had been in the past used and the ones that today they are used to define who is illiterate or who it is alfabetizado in the censuses of the Brazilian population. … Has, thus, a difference between knowing to read and to write, being alfabetizado, and to live in the condition or state of who knows to read and to write, to be scholar (attributing to this word the direction who has literate in English). That is: the person who learns to read and to write that becomes alfabetizada and that starts to make use of the reading and the writing, to become involved itself in practical social of reading and writing that scholar becomes she is different of a person whom she does not know to read and to write she is illiterate or, knowing to read and to write, she does not make the use of the reading and the writing it is alfabetizada, but she is not scholar, it does not live in the state or condition of who knows to read and to write and practises the reading and the writing (Magda Soares, 2006, P..