Extrativistas Reserves
In this contextual picture the government starts to create the PADs (Project of Directed Nestings) and Breads (Project of Extrativistas Nesting), in both theoretically searched to cure the conflicts for the land, beyond fomenting a organizacional structure of economy based on the agricultural production (PADs) and on the extrativismo (Breads). However, exactly that the governmental pretension when implementing the creation of Projects of Nesting Dirigidos and Extrativistas (PADs and PAEs), was to diminish the tensions for the referring conflict to the access the land, or same to develop a organizacional structure of economy. In the truth what it occurred was a new form of expropriation of these people, over all, had the lack of assistance and necessary ways for the social and economic development of these seated families then, many saw themselves in a labyrinth without end, where independent of the place that they were, they would continue lost and forgotten. To know more about this subject visit Ebay. Still emphasizing the politics of nesting developed by the government, the Extrativistas Reserves (RESEXs) and the Agroflorestais Polar regions are had. The RESEXs if appraises as a forest area used by traditional populations, as the seringueiros, for example, and that it keeps its survival through the extrativismo, being able to complement its activities with the practical one of the subsistence agriculture or with the creation of small animals. The point referring key the RESEXs is that these have as objective to protect the ways of life and the culture of these populations, and to assure the sustainable use of the natural resources of the unit. The RESEXs, materializes a searched collective dream in many of the claims of traditional social groups as the seringueiros that per many years galgavam for the right to guarantee its subsistence and quality of life, in the place of its origin and experience, that is, in the forest. Another important aspect in the logic of the RESEXs, is what it concerns the sustainable exploration of the natural resources of the forest, that in this direction is carried through under the criterion of the support and maintenance of the same ones, in order to take care of the necessities of the future generations, that is, searchs a consensus between the exploration and the capacity of regenarao of the natural resources. .