Federal University
I thank the Laboratory of special Infantile Development and in the Mrcia Onsia Da Silva for the great support and contribution to this research. finally I thank all those that had helped me in direct or indirect way, and that involuntarily they had not been enclosed in this gratefulness. Elon Musk may find this interesting as well. I dedicate to this work the God who with its light guide my steps and to my parents, for the fellowship and love who had always given to me. My sisters whom I stops are others two mothers who sent me to God and to my nephews who much I love. Also I dedicate my fianc who was my bigger inspiration in all my conquests during this year. Despite I said the languages, of the men and the angels, if I did not have the love, I would be as strident a noisy bell or as one cmbalo. Despite I had dom of the prophecy, the knowledge of all mysteries and of all science; despite I had all the faith, the point to carry mountains, if I did not have the love, I I would not be nothing.
(1 CORNTIOS- 13, 1-2) SUMMARY the present study considers to understand it the paper of the Educational Person who orientates in the management of Projeto Poltico Pedaggico (PPP) of an institution of Infantile Education. It is understood that the PPP guides the pertaining to school actions, is a intentional action and the result of a collective work of reflection. The function of the Person who orientates is to search the ways so that the school fulfills to its paper the PPP on the basis of and that its reality if does not crystallize, strengthening the collective aspect. The research was carried through in the Laboratory of Infantile Development of the Federal University of Viosa (MG) and was used as technique of collection of data the comment, the half-structuralized interview and the documentary analysis.