For Liberals
Castro was not consolidated in Palace running to hundreds of thousands. Another peculiarity is that the Cuban revolution was not led by a Communist Party, but by a group of dissidents of Orthodox nationalism, the same as not It was attended by the initial sympathy of the official Communist Party. When castrated celebrated her 32 birthday he was one of young Latin Americans who came to power. Then he declared anti-communist and supporter of a democracy type USA. However, his revolution was radicalized. After that USA set a fee for the purchase of Cuban sugar, Castro is launched to expropriate US $ 850 million of American property.
After the defeat of the invasion organized by the CIA at the Bay of pigs, Castro decides to transform into Marxist-Leninist. In February 1962 the OAS headed by Washington declares the trade blockade against Cuba and then the missile crisis in which almost Cuba detonates the III World War breaks out. Turning to the left of Castro was encouraged by pressure from their bases and the international scene, by tough U.S. attitude and express interest that took the USSR created a base a few miles away from us in order to neutralize the military camps that the Pentagon had watered in several neighbouring countries. When in 1966, Fidel met half of their current life, he had made a fundamental change. The democratizing guerrilla had become the architect of the only planned and estatizada economy that has occurred in the Americas. Castro did something never dared to make a Latin American ruler (and that is not possible they can do today Chavez or Morales): expropriate private entrepreneurs and establish an estatizada economy subject to a five-year plan. In this economy you vetoed the generation of capital and money acquired a value change or accounting but not served to acquire properties, land or factories. For Liberals, his regime destroyed freedoms and the possibility that Cuba will become a magnet for foreign investment.