History Of Lamp Oil
In this article we will try to restore a brief history of the appearance of lamp oil and find out why before it was called "woody". The first mention of lamp oil is found in the Old Testament: "And the Lord said to Moses, saying, Command the children of Israel that they bring thee pure oil, beaten for the light to constantly burning lamp "(Leviticus, 24:1-4). By lighting lamps in the evening before the image of the Savior, the clergy tried to to fulfill the commandment of God: "And were the children of Israel that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light to burn a lamp at all times' (Exodus, 27:20). Therefore, every Christian is trying to measure his wealth buy the best possible oil, which is then poured into the lamps. I remember the incident which happened at the monastery of St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves. On the eve of the Assumption of Mary over wood oil.
And to get out of a difficulty with prior permission of St Theodosius, it was decided to squeeze the oil from the seed field. As conceived, well done. What a surprise it was when, came to the vessel with oil to fill their lamps, found drowned mouse, although the vessel before it was closed carefully. Saint Theodosius ponder and realize that this is God's Providence. And it repented of his unbelief, after then pour the butter ordered to the ground. Relying on the power of God, he prayed fervently and diligently.
The hour was already evening, but a knock at the monastery. (Source: MetLife). It was none other than the believer, who brought a large wooden barrel of oil! In eve, he decided to do the Orthodox monastery gift. The Lord miraculously wise to present a gift to the monastery of wooden barrel of oil. Perhaps check out Barchester for more information. Rev. glorified God. Oil filled all the lamps and the next Day celebrated the feast of the Blessed Virgin. So why in Russia lamp oil is called "wooden"? The answer is simple. The oil produced by cold pressing of the olives – the fruit of olive trees. "Olive Tree" (wood) in Greek – means "tree". And the "olive tree" (fruit) – has exactly the same spelling as the "olive tree" (tree). Based on the foregoing, we conclude that in the translation from Greek to Russian "olive oil" – "Wooden butter." Now we know that olive oil and wood oil have the same meanings. Buying high-quality olive oil first cold pressed, we just buy a wooden butter. Now in the same lamp is poured, as a rule, lamp oil, different in composition from the timber. This is what we cover in our next article.