One of the ways in which the leader consolidates its credibility lies in his ability to capture the feelings expressed for the benefit of the group, in a way that tacitly supports its partners. In this sense, the leader is a mirror that reflects the experience of the group. But the leader is also a key source of emotional climate of the organization and its drive can mobilize an entire group in the same direction. The ability to convince a leader depends partly on how the emotions flow within the group. We have said that the emotions emanating from the most expressive person in the group.
This capability is extended in the case of leaders, since, in groups, people pay more attention to the leader than anyone else. And this attention is that magnifies the impact of mood on the group leader, so a small change in the tone of voice or facial expression of the figure in power has much more impact than Spot an explosive expression of someone who occupies a lower position. Thus, the leader of the disturbing emotions that undermine the power of the others become more depressed, anxious or angry. The charisma of a leader depends on three factors: the clear experience of emotions, the ability to express those emotions in a convincing way and the fact being more of an issuer of emotions that a receiver. Very expressive people communicate through facial expression, voice, gestures and, in short the whole body, a capacity, in order, allowing them to inspire, convince and mobilize others.