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Our school and our pupils had become statisticians mere? Most important in the question of the alfabetizao they are not the statisticians and yes the quality of the education that our pupils receive. Our governing would have to think about the formation of the individual fully capable to carry through its activities as effective participant citizen of the society. Chapter 3? Construction of the learning of Reading and Writing with pleasure in the Infantile Education and basic Ensino. Beyond teaching to read and to write, the school and professors must awake in the pupils the pleasure in learning, in constructing and extending knowledge, developing the orality and perfecting it, respected its previous opinions, difficulties and knowledge. 2.1. Chapter 1? Functional illiteracy In accordance with UNESCO, functional illiterate is all the person who, although to recognize and to write the code, proper name to read and to grafar some phrases is incapable to interpret what it reads, therefore, it does not obtain to extract the direction of the words and nor to write them. (PRIETO, 2008) It has people that, exactly being alfabetizadas, they do not obtain to understand messages simple as a letter, an announcement of periodical or an acknowledgment, or until colleges student who feel difficulty when interpreting declared texts or of questions in a test, in competitions, he takes what them to get resulted well below of the desired one.
Understanding involves much more that decoding She is necessary, first, to understand what if it asks for, to mount the problem, using the had formulas, for finally arriving the reply. In a similar way, it is not enough to know to read to understand what he is being read. QUEILLA (2010). This is a serious problem that goes beyond the banks of the school. The incompetence for the full reading and writing causes a social difficulty therefore the functional illiterates is incapable to carry through basic tasks of its personal and mainly professional life, and also the psychological factor as auto-they esteem, security, generating a miniature communicative capacity.