Sustainable Development
Synergy enters these aspects permeia the application of the concept of sustainable development, or support, where it wants that it is applied, as much in governmental level, as of the civil society or in seara enterprise. It can also be worked with other dimensions of sustainable development, as for example, the cultural, technological aspects and politicians. The present monograph deals with the applied aspects of support to the productive sector, more particularly to the industry of the oil. Here also they will be treated, in the form of pointers and model of report, questions related to the economic support of the companies, as well as its relations with the society and interactions with the environment. Beyond the questions economic-financiers, the 0 variable social and ambient of the enterprise support currently are contemplated, respectively, through the sources corporative social responsibility and ecoeficincia.
Corporative social responsibility, to the times also called enterprise citizenship, can be understood as the continuous commitment of the company with its ethical behavior and the economic development, promoting at the same time the improvement of the quality of life of its force of work and its families, of the local community and the society as a whole. The ecoeficincia is reached by means of the supply of goods and services the competitive prices, that satisfy the necessities human beings and bring quality of life, having promoted at the same time a gradual reduction of the ambient impacts and the intensity of the consumption of resources throughout its cycle of life, to a level, at least, equivalent to the esteem capacity of support of the land. At the beginning of the decade of 90, exactly before the Conference of United Nations on Environment and the Development (UNCED 92), the industries had started if to worry about the subject enterprise sustainable development. Entities as ' ' World Business Council will be Sustainable Development (WBCSD) ' ' international companies of oil as Shell and British Petroleum, had started its works on the subject at this time.