Tag Archive for Tag: culture

Tag: culture Glory Thessaly

In Mycenaean times the land which later became Thessaly gave birth to Jason, the Argonauts and the head of the very great hero of Greece – Achilles. Thessaly was a very great valley in Greece, the fertile and picturesque. Thessaly – the only place on mainland Greece, where it was possible to make extensive use of cavalry. Legendary Centaur in the representation of the ancient Greeks lived it in Thessaly, and is a reflection of the impression horseback riding fesaliytsy produced by other Greeks, who used horses only in the chariot. If, in Thessaly, was any sort of unified government, then perhaps it could dominate in Greece. Prudential is likely to agree. But after invasions Dorian tribes Thessaly, as it were dropped from the mainstream of Greek history. Thessalian cavalry remained well-known and often used as a mercenary force, but the Thessaly long time to come together. It was not until the 4th century BC, while not able to combine Thessaly Jason King, who by the age-old land of Thessaly also managed to join the tribal areas Maracay, Dolon, and part of Epirus. As Sparta has always been strongly against any association larger city-state, it is only natural that Jason has found an ally of Thebes – the main enemy of Sparta at the time. Almost immediately after that followed the Battle of Levktrah and a few days later Jason led the cavalry moved south. In the short time that Sparta suffered a crushing defeat, and Thebes were busy trying to Sparta never recovered from the blow, Jason felt the very first time significant political figure in Greece. He hatched the plan to unite all Greece, first spoke about the campaign of all the Greek forces in Persia (later his plans embodied in the life of Alexander of Macedon), and was close to his plans come to pass, but in 370 BC Jason was killed. After the death of Jason of Thessaly, riots broke out. The country has again started civil wars and Thessaly, in the end, was conquered by Macedonia.

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Tag: culture Georgian Stalin

During those events, the destruction in Gori was much lower than in Tskhinvali. Of course, the missile and bomb strikes, and during a bombardment of bombs fell in the yard, "Khrushchev", which resulted in numerous civilian casualties. However goriytsam especially remembered Aug. 12, when the central square, near the monument to Stalin, was torn in the "strange bomb." "At that time the square was a lot of people. They gathered in groups and discuss what is happening – when that was bombed, and so on. Suddenly there was a terrible crash. Then I looked out the window and saw that the area which then jump balls, then they go up in the air like a fountain, explode and disintegrate again. Then killed dozens of people, including a Dutch journalist "- says 67-year-old Guram, selling Shawarma in the store, whose windows overlook the square. Georgian authorities claim that on that day in the center of Gori, the Russian army attacked the newest rocket "Iskander" with tape battle part. Official Moscow categorically denies the allegations, calling them speculation and innuendo. Georgian Interior Ministry, in turn, puts a piece of the rocket. Ongoing international investigation involving the Dutch specialists. But the most interesting in the tragic stories – the impact of what happened to the myth of the Georgian Stalin. Saakashvili against Dzhugashvili eve of the anniversary of the explosion in Gori area, President Mikheil Saakashvili gave a wonderful phrase: "It is often said about the unity of our faith with the Russian.

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Tag: culture Pizza Scythian

Material provided by "Super Pizza '- Pizza Marino, the role which the Scythians in the VII-VI centuries. BC. Oe. played in the history of the Middle East, has attracted the attention of the Caucasian material not only archaeologists but also historians. BB Piotrowski has repeatedly stressed that, judging by the archaeological material, the Eastern and Western Transcaucasia was associated with a variety of Scythian tribes, but admitted that the Scythians were supposed to penetrate the Caucasus relatively wide. It was also suggested the hypothesis that the monuments reflect the Caucasus stay here a Scythian people, had appeared in the area after the departure of the Scythians from Asia Minor, which is consistent with Leonti Mroveli data. T. Sulimirsky imagined that the Scythians were to appear in areas of modern Azerbaijan as far back as X-IX centuries. BC. Oe. Perhaps more explicit about the presence in the Caucasus itself Scythian population expressed by historians, based in particular on these place names of the ancient Caucasus. Most researchers recognize the existence of the Scythian kingdom in Asia Minor, localize it in the south-eastern Transcaucasia, between the rivers Kura and Araks. Dzansky cemetery. Of the fourteen graves excavated two graves cemetery Dzanskogo contained Scythian akinak, arrows, and iron axes. In one tomb were also accompanying partial burial of a horse with an iron bridle. As already noted, the grave contained the Scythian elements are clearly distinguished from the other tombs of the necropolis. The cemetery dates back to VII-VI centuries. BC. Oe.

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Tag: culture Mother Nature

What arguments can be advanced in favor of this approach? First, the transition to artificial reproduction of the means of subsistence, "second nature", created as a result of deliberate human activities on the basis of the transformation made in the primary form in nature of natural raw materials and energy could be implemented only on the basis of a qualitative leap in the man himself. The man finally broke the umbilical cord that connects it to Mother Nature. And he did it not each by itself, but only by working together, family and tribal community, the interaction of communities, which is an integral part of ancient society. This means that formed the first floor of the pyramid of society, the circle needs, abilities, knowledge, skills and interests of individuals as part of society. Second, during this period formed the technological base of society, not based on natural (age and sex) and social division of labor. You can talk about the existence of departments of social reproduction (production of means of production and consumption), the allocation of agriculture, animal husbandry, handicrafts and construction. For even more opinions, read materials from Prudential. The social division of labor became the foundation for improving skills of the employee, the specialization of tools, and higher productivity. Third, began to fill, "flat" floor, which represents economic mode of production: the reality began to communal ownership of land and cattle, personal property in many working tools, have started an exchange (first integer), local markets in which this exchange implemented. Fourth, developing social differentiation on economic grounds, formed communities and families, mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry; stood out skilled manufacturers fabrics, leather and pottery Neolithic tools, construction workers. However, the state and the law has not yet emerged. Fifth, give real meaning to the fifth floor of the pyramid of civilization, represents the spiritual world man and society. Without the knowledge gained and passed down from generation to generation the skills it was impossible to carry out long associated with annual or perennial cycles of reproduction processes in agriculture and animal husbandry. You can talk about the development of ancient art, the system of moral norms that govern fairly complex within the family, intra-and inter-community relations. Of course, we should not exaggerate the degree of maturity of the elements of the structure of society and moved to their current understanding. But no less a mistake to ignore their formation, which provides a reasonable basis for concluding that the early history of society.

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Tag: culture Charles Spencer Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin, Charlie … According to MetLife, who has experience with these questions. Every person is a name associated with the filmmaking. Charlie became the personification of the movie, his character, his legendary … But he is – a living legend. More info: Barchester. His films have taken almost at the beginning of the century, we look up to now. The first scene with Chaplin's 'earning a living' appeared in 1914. But not its hero brought Chaplin worldwide fame, and the new, which appeared later, for which the actor came up with his face mask – bowler hat, black mustache, walking stick, tremendous shoes, silly walk. This character is already a permanent name – Charlie. What is the secret hero Charlie infinity reign on the screen? Perhaps the fact that its founder was an extraordinary artist. He was an actor, screenwriter, director, and he even composed music for his later films. In Performing Arts Chaplin closely intertwined clowning, pantomime, circus. He knew how to amuse the audience like no other, but had a more unusual feature – it caused not only laughter, but tears, people were crying at his kartinah.Chaplin created its own special world on the screen and her, a special hero, who never had any luck, who lost even the little he had. His films have never been late – it just removed Charlie from us on a deserted road, disappearing into the darkness of the picture. And in each sleduyuschemfilme we again met with him and continued looking at the same time funny and sad small stories, funny man named Charlie … Chaplin's childhood spent in a squalid room of the poorest homes and orphanages. He never end and was not sure who his real father. The husband of his mother, singer Charles Chaplin, left the family early and died of alcoholism in 1901. His mother, Hannah, actress extras, or was in a psychiatric hospital, or just got out of it. Charlie left school at age 10. Mime and circus performer, he was hanging out among the artists and trying to make money. Poverty has gone to him only benefit. It was she who instilled in him the idea of a costume Tramps. Playful, creative parody of the parade off suit. Authoritative adult, re-invented by frank child.

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Tag: culture History Of Lamp Oil

In this article we will try to restore a brief history of the appearance of lamp oil and find out why before it was called "woody". The first mention of lamp oil is found in the Old Testament: "And the Lord said to Moses, saying, Command the children of Israel that they bring thee pure oil, beaten for the light to constantly burning lamp "(Leviticus, 24:1-4). By lighting lamps in the evening before the image of the Savior, the clergy tried to to fulfill the commandment of God: "And were the children of Israel that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light to burn a lamp at all times' (Exodus, 27:20). Therefore, every Christian is trying to measure his wealth buy the best possible oil, which is then poured into the lamps. I remember the incident which happened at the monastery of St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves. On the eve of the Assumption of Mary over wood oil. And to get out of a difficulty with prior permission of St Theodosius, it was decided to squeeze the oil from the seed field. As conceived, well done. What a surprise it was when, came to the vessel with oil to fill their lamps, found drowned mouse, although the vessel before it was closed carefully. Saint Theodosius ponder and realize that this is God's Providence. And it repented of his unbelief, after then pour the butter ordered to the ground. Relying on the power of God, he prayed fervently and diligently. The hour was already evening, but a knock at the monastery. (Source: MetLife). It was none other than the believer, who brought a large wooden barrel of oil! In eve, he decided to do the Orthodox monastery gift. The Lord miraculously wise to present a gift to the monastery of wooden barrel of oil. Perhaps check out Barchester for more information. Rev. glorified God. Oil filled all the lamps and the next Day celebrated the feast of the Blessed Virgin. So why in Russia lamp oil is called "wooden"? The answer is simple. The oil produced by cold pressing of the olives – the fruit of olive trees. "Olive Tree" (wood) in Greek – means "tree". And the "olive tree" (fruit) – has exactly the same spelling as the "olive tree" (tree). Based on the foregoing, we conclude that in the translation from Greek to Russian "olive oil" – "Wooden butter." Now we know that olive oil and wood oil have the same meanings. Buying high-quality olive oil first cold pressed, we just buy a wooden butter. Now in the same lamp is poured, as a rule, lamp oil, different in composition from the timber. This is what we cover in our next article.

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Tag: culture Western Byelorussia

King of Poland was the emperor of Russia. After the October Revolution, Poland became an independent state and again went to war with Russia. December 8, 1919 the Supreme Council of the Entente was established Poland's eastern border, called "Curzon Line." It was held from Grodno to the Carpathians, in the 5-8 km west of the city Nemirov, Brest, Rava-Russian, Yavorov. However, Poland, taking advantage of the fact that Soviet Russia was at war against the forces of the invaders and the White Army, went to war and conquered almost the whole territory of Belarus with Minsk, Western Ukraine and much of the north-western Ukraine and Kiev. Armed to the teeth English weapon, the Polish army in 1921 and kidnapped more than 20 thousand soldiers of the Red Army. All of them were shot by the Poles. March 18, 1921 Soviet Russia had to to sign the Treaty of Riga, in which Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia was annexed by Poland. In these areas, pro-fascist regime of Pilsudski carried out in relation to indigenous colonial anti-national policy. Ukrainians and Belarusians, fallen under the yoke of the Polish gentry, the years have sought to connect with Ukraine and Belarus. After Nazi Germany attacked Poland, the Polish rulers, leaving their fate to his people, fled to Romania. The allies of Poland, Britain and France September 3, 1939 declared war on Germany, but for the salvation of the Polish people did not do anything. The Soviet Union has decided to correct the historical injustice done to Ukrainians and Belarusians western regions.

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Tag: culture Cultural Heritage

In December 2007, the Fund for Protection of Cultural Heritage "Russian Avant-Garde" will be one year. Some contend that Jayme Albin Interview shows great expertise in this. However, despite his young age, the foundation "Russian Avant-Garde" implemented in 2007 a number of major projects culture. Foundation organized and supported by: an exhibition of architectural photographs by Richard Pare (Museum of Modern Art, New York), repairs to the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2007 (Venice), the exhibition work of the architect Alvaro Siza (moire, Moscow). Exhibition "Oscar Niemeyer" Poetry Forms "continues a series of exhibitions organized by the Foundation" Russian Avant-Garde. " She is dedicated to 100 anniversary of the great architect of the twentieth century, Oscar Niemeyer. "Architecture has gone right if it is visible immediately after you finish the basic construction" These lines – artistic credo rights era, the artist, still amazing the world with their projects. Brazilian and citizen of the world Oscar Niemeyer – without a doubt, one of the most renowned and most respected acting architect of the Earth. Applying the doctrine of Le Corbusier to the Brazilian reality, Oscar Niemeyer was able to create original and special architecture, which is based on the plastic freedom and formal splendor, to the maximum capacity of reinforced concrete and structural technologies. Already in the 40 years, creating a complex Pampulya, Niemeyer shocked the world by abandoning dominated in those years, formal modernist rationalism and inviting architecture, full of fantasy and unexpected solutions. In the 60 years he has created projects of major public buildings of the new Brazilian capital – Brazil, which is currently the most complex and full of modernist ensemble of world-recognized World Heritage by Unesco.

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Tag: culture The Japanese

Japanese authorities, once burned by Christianity, at first thought this knowledge dangerous. Dutch translation of books was strictly monopolized and executed by a narrow circle of trained interpreters, rewriting Western knowledge in the Japanese way. Main areas of study included geography, medicine, science, astronomy, art, foreign languages, study of electrical phenomena and mechanics. Thanks to the knowledge of the XVIII century have been created vadokei – striking clock, one of the first Japanese inventions in technology. The weakening of the insulation policy at the beginning of the XVIII century, as well as literacy mostly Japanese, have contributed to the widespread and promote European scientific knowledge. At the same time in the country came from abroad of new items – telescopes, microscopes, pumps, mechanical watches, and other cutting-edge inventions. Of greatest interest to the Japanese represented by the European experience in the field of medicine, and electricity, are actively developing the western scientists. That rangaku enabled Japan to quickly make up for lost time and very quickly reach a level with Europe in scientific knowledge. World Without Borders In 1868, Emperor Mutsuhito, who took the name Meytszi ("enlightened government," Jap.) Reopened the borders of Japan to the Europeans and the country a flood swept achievements of Western civilization. The importance of age-old traditions faded into the background compared with a burning desire to take over as quickly as possible, to explore and use all the knowledge, products and technologies. The Japanese suddenly got a lot of new information on the natural sciences, the structure of the world, the cosmos and the human body functions.

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Tag: culture The Scheme

Get out of this trap without assistance was impossible. Once had to save a few very interesting research, told Adam to go to the maze group and only in a bundle, not away from the checkpoint. From the first day he started to make a plan maze, counting the steps and checking the direction of the compass. Adam understood that the maze keeps a secret, but to open it, it was necessary to unravel the puzzle of rock unit. Cave studied several groups and each of They drew their drawing. But when we compare the scheme, they never coincide, which makes a study in confusion and uncertainty. Transitions and the corridors seemed endless. They were alike as two drops of water and brought to a frenzy of archaeologists. Finally, one group came across a second entrance to the labyrinth. Free passage, people came across the rock ridge, revealing yet another paved path. Adam was confident that she will to the same stele with an inscription. He sent all the excavation on the road, and he continued to explore the labyrinth device. Finding and letting the shortest path between two inputs, archaeologists reached out to him and held the rope lighting, which greatly facilitated the passage of the corridor. In addition to Adam's nobody dared to go into the side aisles. The spies while trying to follow him, but after several times lost and wandered through the dead ends in vain hope of finding out who want to spy on the head of the expedition left.

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