The environment council contract to u.t.e formed by Audiotec and order to develop the maps of noise of 2012 for twelve municipalities of Castile and Leon With the conclusions of the noise maps, the Union Temporary of Companies (U.T.E.) will make proposals preliminary that will give to form to the future Plans of Action Against the Urban Atmospheric noise for each one of the implied municipalities the contract includes the maps acoustic of the populations of Avila, Burgos, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Zamora, Aranda de Duero, Lagoon of Duero, Medina of the Field, Ponferrada and San Andres of the Rabanedo, on the acoustic data of 2011 the Union Temporary of Companies (U.T.E.) formed by Audiotec, company leader in engineering specialized in noise control, and Centro Tecnolgico Acstico (CTA), will be the organization in charge of the elaboration of the noise maps of 12 municipos of the Community, according to a contract subscribed with the Council of Environment of the Meeting of Castile and Leon, and that it will allow to obtain the representation of the existing noise levels in these populations. The service that will be carried out, that also includes the development of diverse information and technical revisions of facilities in the matter of noises and vibrations for the same period of time, has been contracted by means of open procedure and was ratified the past 9 of August of 2010, showing the high quality of the technical supply presented/displayed by Audiotec jointly with CTA. The contract includes the elaboration of the maps of noise of the municipalities of Avila, Burgos, Palencia, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Zamora, Aranda de Duero, Lagoon of Duero, Medina of the Field, Ponferrada and San Andres of the Rabanedo for year 2012 on acoustic losdatos of 2011, of such form that the works of " work in campo" , " clculo" and " aplicacin" they will allow the development of the consequent Plans of Action Against the Urban Atmospheric noise. .
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