Tag Archive for Tag: economy

Tag: economy Porter

Another advantage, although the lesser thickness of its plate, is ofato of the steel to be more resistant in the transport and the stockage, diminuindocustos with losses on the part of the envasadores. One adds, also, that the price of the steel is more steady, therefore the product does not suffer the oscillations from the Metal Stock market of London, comoacontece with the aluminum, which has its increased price when the cmbioaumenta. These are, therefore, the main innovations in the production doao for metallic packings of 1998 up to 2002 which will be of grandeutilidade for the conclusion of this work as for estratgiasadotadas for the producers of drink cans. 2. The COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY the METALICSEGUNDO the VISION OF the TRADITIONAL ECONOMY This item has as objective it is looked to prove that tantoas technological innovations as the strategy implemented for the Metalic (produzirlatas of steel) became it more competitive than its competitors (manufacturers you expose of aluminum). Arena Investors is often quoted on this topic. This analysis will be made on the basis of the contained information narevista Metallurgy and of the BNDES report, being overcome as referencial tericos modern theories that turn on the concept of competitive advantages Traditional dEconomia. 2,1 Strategy of the Metalic being overcome for base the theory to dePorter In the previous item, saw that the Metalic is a manufacturer metallic deembalagens that technology of last generation uses, making possible-aa to produce cans of only two parts for cooling beers and, utilizandoo steel as basic raw material in the production of its final goods. This was only possible thanks to the act of contract of empresanorte-American the CAP International Incorporation specialized in the implantation of fbricasde cans of two parts, which was responsible for the importation of the principaismquinas and the equipment today used by the Metalic, providing estaltima substantial reduction of the costs in the production of the cans, in relation aosseus competing.

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Tag: economy History Of The Accounting In Brazil

INTRODUCTION the Accounting in initiated Brazil at the time colonial, comes to aodecorrer of the years evolving bureaucratically and scientifically. Under new norms, codes in the countable procedure, and changes since the Polytechnical School of the Riode January, in 1890 ace National Curricular Lines of direction for the Courses Countable deCincias instituted in 2004. The Influence of the schools of the countable thought in the Brasilintegram initially the patrimony, happened of Italy, and defended for VicenzoMasi and decrees for king D. Joo VI, in 1808, and later, in 1964 the mtodonorte-American, where the trend was to become the contabilidademais practises, assima standardizing. They exist you vary associations of countable classroom for quarrel depadronizao and countable regulation, but the prominences are the italianPatrimonialista, and North American. In 1770, the first regulation appears of the profissocontbil in Brazil, when Dom Jose, forwards the letter of law to all the domnios. In this document, among others regulations, are established aobrigatoriedade of register of the school registration of all the keep-books in the together advertising. When the real family lode of Portugal, for Brazil, em1808 Dom Joo VI decreed the obligation of use of the method of the counting dobradaspelos departures, follows the license manuscript of the decree: So that the method of bookkeeping and formulas of contabilidadede my Real Farm is not arbitrary to the way to think of each one general doscontadores, that I am served to create for the cited State treasury: I command that aescriturao is mercantile for double entries, for only being followed pornaes civilized, thus for its brevity for the handling of great additions, as for to be clearer and the one that little place of a errors and subterfuges, where seesconde the malice and the fraud of the prevaricadores. After some years the accounting it is organized in mtodode double entry, for White Alves being plus a step for the contabilidadeno sector I publish.

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Tag: economy Lima Grandson

It arrived at the conclusion of that the increase of the trick would justify a rise of only 7.3% in spread, almost the half of 13% applied by the banks. Throughout the five months searched for the Fiesp, the expenditures of the Brazilians with payment of interests had added R$ 152,6 billion, as the BC. In the accounts of the Fiesp, this expense must have been of R$ 144,3 billion. According to entity, about R$ 8,2 exceeding billion corresponds to the unjustified increases of spread. Differently of what they say the banks, the high FIESP considers that spreads (difference enters the tax of interests charged by the banks and the one that they pay to catch resources) effective in the Country is that they cause the insolvency, and not contrary it. The institution observes that the banks had increased spread because they are working with the perspective of that the insolvency goes to increase this year still more. ‘ ‘ It is a prophecy that if autorrealiza.’ ‘ Happily the government has defended public a sped up reduction of the Selic, as form to stimulate the Brazilian economy to cross world-wide the financial crisis of the best possible form. As much that president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva fired Antonio Francisco de Lima Grandson from the presidency of the Bank of Brazil, for cause exactly of the high taxes of interests and spread charged by the institution. The business is to wait to see which will be the position of the banks after the meeting of the COPOM of this week. Mine it bets is that the arm fall is only starting.

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Tag: economy For Liberals

Castro was not consolidated in Palace running to hundreds of thousands. Another peculiarity is that the Cuban revolution was not led by a Communist Party, but by a group of dissidents of Orthodox nationalism, the same as not It was attended by the initial sympathy of the official Communist Party. When castrated celebrated her 32 birthday he was one of young Latin Americans who came to power. Then he declared anti-communist and supporter of a democracy type USA. However, his revolution was radicalized. After that USA set a fee for the purchase of Cuban sugar, Castro is launched to expropriate US $ 850 million of American property. After the defeat of the invasion organized by the CIA at the Bay of pigs, Castro decides to transform into Marxist-Leninist. In February 1962 the OAS headed by Washington declares the trade blockade against Cuba and then the missile crisis in which almost Cuba detonates the III World War breaks out. Turning to the left of Castro was encouraged by pressure from their bases and the international scene, by tough U.S. attitude and express interest that took the USSR created a base a few miles away from us in order to neutralize the military camps that the Pentagon had watered in several neighbouring countries. When in 1966, Fidel met half of their current life, he had made a fundamental change. The democratizing guerrilla had become the architect of the only planned and estatizada economy that has occurred in the Americas. Castro did something never dared to make a Latin American ruler (and that is not possible they can do today Chavez or Morales): expropriate private entrepreneurs and establish an estatizada economy subject to a five-year plan. In this economy you vetoed the generation of capital and money acquired a value change or accounting but not served to acquire properties, land or factories. For Liberals, his regime destroyed freedoms and the possibility that Cuba will become a magnet for foreign investment.

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Tag: economy Eduardo Galeano Times

Days passed in the morning, Victor Hugo Morales program did you an interview to writer Eduardo Galeano. Both ethics and aesthetics in contemporary times, took a conversation worthy of listening that he walked along all the roads of today; but there was one aspect that I want to highlight. At one point Victor Hugo made reference to the book of Galeano open veins of Latin America, asked where the writer than from the gift of Chavez to his counterpart of the United States, Obama; the book becomes a Best Seller. And that he felt before so much global dissemination of your work. To what Galeano, rich in ideas and simple man, he replied that more or less sales does not make something better or worse. But it’s just a circumstance. Any writer of middling in search of Fame, long time had spoken of such a situation, but Galeano gave him a minimal significance. Wondering what success. And this if that is a good question, in times where being necessarily successful is synonym of overcoming, capacity, veneer, recognition, rating and similar other item. Everyone wants access to him, numbers mandan and generate possibilities. Nobody is nothing saved in achieving more and almost all is worth a point. A good example of this is the television and in it, everything you need at hand to add viewers. We are in election times and politicians are preferred. There is no program that let pass without raising some dust, all add up. The TV is a powerful tool and she must go. Programs that are of any seriousness or others, that since humor used to politicians to carry out programs that give them a better number. And now they get it. To such an extent that different politicians, dealt in view as they leave for the small screen and character favors them or not.

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Tag: economy Public and Private Sectors

It had a new attribution of papers for the sectors public and private, fitting to the companies the commercial exploration and the government the formularization and the implementation of politics, lines of direction, objectives and goals. Therefore, for the evolution of the services to occur is essential the adoption of public politics directed to the sector and the use of its goods and services in the too much sectors of the economy. Without this, hardly the telecommunications and the contents of audiovisual information will allow that the country as a whole reach and usufruct all the benefits, in transversal way, and in all its potential. For in such a way, the sector cannot depend only on the State in the promotion ' ' of the massificao of servios' '. theoretical 3.Referencial 3.1. Patrimonial rocking: Definition and importance of the analysis the Analysis of Rockings is, according to Iudcibus (1998, P. 20), ' ' the art to know to extract useful relations, for the economic objective that we will have in mind, of traditional countable reports and of its extensions and detailings, will be caso' '. An analysis of rockings can be characterized as an art, therefore according to above-mentioned author no matter how hard this is based on the calculation of extracted indices of the countable demonstrations, its results will not be perfect and nor will be completely trustworthy, being able each analyst to have its individual opinion, exactly that they are the same used indices. According to Assaf Grandson (2002), the analysis of rockings aims at to tell, on the basis of the countable information supplied by the companies, the position current economic-financier, the causes that determine the presented evolution and the future trends. In other words, for the analysis of rockings information are extracted on the passed, present and future position (projected) of a company. The analysis of the countable demonstratives is of great managemental importance, mainly, for the companies with lucrative ends, therefore it is a process of evaluation of the company, responsible for ahead showing its performance of the market.

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