To preserve the environment not makes individually and nor with an only attitude, the ambient preservation requires the effort of all, that can make the use of diverse forms for such end. The problem is that many times, us human beings, for not terms time or pure unfamiliarity, we leave to give our spontaneous contribution and finish for collaborating for the ambient destruction. It wants to make its part! Then they practise some of these good examples or all if will be able, thus will be with the clean conscience in relation to the environment. OF the EXAMPLE All citizen can inside collaborate with the environment giving the house example, either it, in its work, the street or in any place that is most important she is that an only place does not exist to exert the ambient preservation. The people HAVE COVERED ITS RIGHTS All have the right of living in a balanced environment. When to find any form of aggression to the environment, looks the local authorities and denounces, has covered its rights and fiscalize if they are being taken the had ones you provide. Perhaps this PREVENTS the CONSUMERISM is the best weapon that you have to defend the environment, the consumerism heats the engines of the industries stimulating them it each time more to make extrations of substances cousins of the environment and increasing the amount of generated solid residues in a place, therefore it only buys what you need. Perhaps check out Dan Zwirn for more information. IT CULTIVATES the GREEN To cultivate the green it means to spread the green in all the parts that will be able, it plants a tree in its garden, plants a change of roses in the deep one of its yard, it plants gram instead of making sidewalk, it recoups the next forest its house, the more green the world to be better will be our quality of life.
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Tag: environment Minas Gerais City
Having as database the book ' ' Superficial emanations in the State of Minas Gerais (1993) ' ' , some information concerning the hidrolgico behavior in the city of Itabirito had been extracted. It was evidenced that the region confers with areas of regularized regimen (intense intra-annual variation with little full and less sharp estiagens). This implies a lesser propensity floodings and droughts. Moreover, it was analyzed, of general form, the specific income – REVERSE SPEED – (l/ ) of the city. It was gotten as resulted that this value is changeable in all commune due to the difference of the declivities and litlica composition, conferring an average specific income monthly minimum with 10 years of recurrence, greater in the serrana region, located the west of Itabirito (5,0 city, whose sampling it consists of only one point (BV035), located downstream of the city of Itabirito, as MAP 1, ANNEX. In this study, the ambient pointers of superficial waters is the Index of Quality of Waters – IQA and Contamination for Toxics – CT. As result of 2 campaign of 2009, which consists of the monitoramento of superficial waters, carried through for the IGAM, was evidenced, in the point of monitoramento (BV035) situated in the river Itabirito downstream of the city, a general IQA in the sub-basin of the river general bad Itabirito and CT decrease (IGAM, 2009, adapt.). The main parameters in disconformity with Joint DN COPAM/CERH 01/08 are: total turbidez, color, solids, coliformes and manganese. The contrary results are related to the activities minerarias of the region, deforestations, erosion, assoreamento, irregular land divisions, to the pollutants of diffuse origin and the launching of sanitary sewer proceeding from the city of Itabirito. It fits to stand out that the river Itabirito tranfers the urban area, in which was verified the presence of very next residences to course d? water in question, not respecting the band of Area of Permanent Preservation – APP.
View Article...Tag: environment Attempt Management
The ambient subjects had evolved in the last few decades and left of being seen as exclusive domain of ecologists, incorporating the concerns central offices of the society. The ambient problems had in general become focus of the public and the organizations as well as of all the interested people, affecting both in such a way in how much world-wide the regional scope. In this scene, the ambient politics approached the relations between the countries that if had come back toward the mitigao of the ambient impacts and the world-wide economy. This approach enters the countries were possible with the reduction of the trade barriers and the increase of the competitive effect of the ambient regulations, speeding up the demand of the ambient management. The evolution in the ambient questions brought a new 0 variable: the support. This if became a challenge to be incorporated in the organizations. This question takes the organizations to a reflection and the attempt to understand the implications of these new standards of ambient management and its organizacionais cultural relations, thus reflecting the change of the paradigms. Throughout the last years, the organizations come improving each time plus its productive processes. Therefore, it has an investment in more efficient systems of management, acquiring knowledge its executives and collaborators on its partner-ambient responsibilities. In this context, the world-wide market starts to demand each time more than the organizations substitute the current products in the market for products and called services ' ' ecologically corretos' '. The increasing one awareness on the preservation of the environment makes with that the customer demands a product with ' ' stamp verde' ' and/or a certification, as ISO 14001, for the finishing of its business. This elapses of the guarantee of incorporation of the ambient 0 variable that evidences the sustainable ambient aspect in the organizations. What a more than lucrative necessity.
View Article...Tag: environment Scientific Methodology
As the same it argues, the participation of the professors in one workshop with these characteristics it generates significant advances in its perceptions concerning the situation of the world (Edwards et al., 2001). Of course it is not enough to provoke a change in depth that afecte in durable way the behaviors. The influence of the experience, the values, the beliefs and the attitudes, citizens to an impregnation during many years are, in general, hardly modifiable with simple activities of quarrel, despite they are apiem in adequate documentation and they lead to the elaboration of proposals to lead to the lesson. What it is possible, in a first boarding, is to modify the perceptions and to favor the conscience taking of that the scientific education has to contribute to think the future, dimension until forgotten here (HICKS and HOLDEN apud CACHAPUZ, 2005, P. 178) Therefore, this line of action, that involves since the formation of the professionals of the education to the resume developed for them in the spaces pertaining to school, stimulate a solidary education directed toward the human values, for which either reached the ambient conscience and consequently the responsibility social by means of which the scientific studies if give the sustainable development on the basis of, but that above all this either seen as a pledge of the future generations, therefore the world alone will be more good when all to assume the commitment to preserve the nature and of living the fraternity in its fullness. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BRAZIL, Managing Agency of the National Politics of Ambient Education. Youth Citizenship and Environment: subsidies for the elaboration of pbicas politics/Ministry of the Environment/Ministry of the Education? Brasilia: UNESCO, 2006. CACHAPUZ, Antonio. The necessary renewal of Ensino de Cincias. Cortez: So Paulo, 2005. LAKATOS, Eva Maria/MARCONI, Marina of Andrade. Beddings of the Scientific Methodology. Acts: So Paulo, 1991. REIGOTA, Landmarks. That it is Ambient education. Brasiliense. So Paulo, 1994.
View Article...Tag: environment Sustainable Development
Synergy enters these aspects permeia the application of the concept of sustainable development, or support, where it wants that it is applied, as much in governmental level, as of the civil society or in seara enterprise. It can also be worked with other dimensions of sustainable development, as for example, the cultural, technological aspects and politicians. The present monograph deals with the applied aspects of support to the productive sector, more particularly to the industry of the oil. Here also they will be treated, in the form of pointers and model of report, questions related to the economic support of the companies, as well as its relations with the society and interactions with the environment. Beyond the questions economic-financiers, the 0 variable social and ambient of the enterprise support currently are contemplated, respectively, through the sources corporative social responsibility and ecoeficincia. Corporative social responsibility, to the times also called enterprise citizenship, can be understood as the continuous commitment of the company with its ethical behavior and the economic development, promoting at the same time the improvement of the quality of life of its force of work and its families, of the local community and the society as a whole. The ecoeficincia is reached by means of the supply of goods and services the competitive prices, that satisfy the necessities human beings and bring quality of life, having promoted at the same time a gradual reduction of the ambient impacts and the intensity of the consumption of resources throughout its cycle of life, to a level, at least, equivalent to the esteem capacity of support of the land. At the beginning of the decade of 90, exactly before the Conference of United Nations on Environment and the Development (UNCED 92), the industries had started if to worry about the subject enterprise sustainable development. Entities as ' ' World Business Council will be Sustainable Development (WBCSD) ' ' international companies of oil as Shell and British Petroleum, had started its works on the subject at this time.
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