In this contextual picture the government starts to create the PADs (Project of Directed Nestings) and Breads (Project of Extrativistas Nesting), in both theoretically searched to cure the conflicts for the land, beyond fomenting a organizacional structure of economy based on the agricultural production (PADs) and on the extrativismo (Breads). However, exactly that the governmental pretension when implementing the creation of Projects of Nesting Dirigidos and Extrativistas (PADs and PAEs), was to diminish the tensions for the referring conflict to the access the land, or same to develop a organizacional structure of economy. In the truth what it occurred was a new form of expropriation of these people, over all, had the lack of assistance and necessary ways for the social and economic development of these seated families then, many saw themselves in a labyrinth without end, where independent of the place that they were, they would continue lost and forgotten. To know more about this subject visit Ebay. Still emphasizing the politics of nesting developed by the government, the Extrativistas Reserves (RESEXs) and the Agroflorestais Polar regions are had. The RESEXs if appraises as a forest area used by traditional populations, as the seringueiros, for example, and that it keeps its survival through the extrativismo, being able to complement its activities with the practical one of the subsistence agriculture or with the creation of small animals. The point referring key the RESEXs is that these have as objective to protect the ways of life and the culture of these populations, and to assure the sustainable use of the natural resources of the unit. The RESEXs, materializes a searched collective dream in many of the claims of traditional social groups as the seringueiros that per many years galgavam for the right to guarantee its subsistence and quality of life, in the place of its origin and experience, that is, in the forest. Another important aspect in the logic of the RESEXs, is what it concerns the sustainable exploration of the natural resources of the forest, that in this direction is carried through under the criterion of the support and maintenance of the same ones, in order to take care of the necessities of the future generations, that is, searchs a consensus between the exploration and the capacity of regenarao of the natural resources. .
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CONDICIONANTES: When we relate in them to the condicionantes of the erosive processes, we are speaking of the vectors that will go to unchain these processes. We can cite the exgenos factors climate with the direct performance of the water of rains gravity (/encostas relief steep), type of vegetal covering, erodibilidade of ground (or vulnerability of the same ones in suffering erosion) antrpica eao. 3. GROUND AND LANDSCAPES AS OPEN SYSTEMS the formation of ground is the result of the interaction of many processes, in such a way geomorfolgicos as> edficos. These processes portray a variability in such a way secular and space significant, being of this form it is important to approach ground as a dynamic system. Being thus, the ground and the landscapes must be considered open systems 1. The thickness of the ground goes to depend on the taxes of its removal and formation, that is, in the areas where the removal is minimum, deep ground go to develop themselves; where the erosive action will be more active, the ground will be less thick. In the geomorfologia this can well be understood as a resultant rocking of the denudation 2. In this direction WAR (2004) apud PALMIERI and LARACH (2000), summarizes the relations between ground and landscapes well, when they detach the paper that the relief exerts in the development of ground, with great influence in the hdricas conditions. A schematical drawing is followed – of well simple form – to exemplificar the influence of the relief in the erosion taxes and 3 intemperismo. Plainer areas tend the lesser taxes of erosion, in compensation, steeper areas provide to greaters denudation taxes. Schematical drawing of the erosion taxes and intemperismo: Figure 01: Erosion x Intemperismo 3.
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between 1989 and 2008). After all, the Brics is powerful. Populous, industrialized and with very capital circulating inside of these countries, they possess in the interventionist capitalism (even though China, that swears that she is communist/socialist is an interventionist capitalism in bigger degree) its common characteristic greater. All the Brics sonecessariamente regional geopolitical powers and with the weakness of the central power, that is, of the rich countries developed, affected for> 2008 crisis, had gained relevance world-wide. Brazil is the great geopolitical power of the South America, for simple fatode to almost possess 50% of the regional GIP, the population and the territory, being that this power is centered in an only capital, Brasilia. A neighborhood however is fragile, therefore it is presented of disarticulated form, it possesss many conflicts between them, as disputes for islands and exits for the sea and the crisis of identity, therefore they are not firmed as capitalist nor socialist, remaining a great division in the interior of these. Moreover the icons appear of the bolivarianismo of century XXI, now in the populist socialist version, the personages of Lugo, Chavez, Evo amongst others, substituting famous Fidel Castro. This picture, associated the economic fragility, with lesser degrees of industrialization, makes possible to Brazil to lead the South America, occupying the vacuum of being able left for the United States, that if the fall of the wall of Berlin after transformed into minimum state, of the end of the Ussr and War Cold in the decade of ninety of century XX. History in the sample that Brazil always presented imperialistas pretensions, being the great expansion of its territory a great example of this thought. Beyond occupying part of the territories, it created wars and it manipulated governing of the bordering countries. Brazil, in recent History, grants loans and invests in the American countries south, as for Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina Equator amongst others, being that nor always the return of this money is friendly and or guaranteed. However, to exert the leadership continental (or sub-continental) one becomes necessary to offer, to credit, despite incipient to the world-wide standards and an ample consuming market. President Lula possesss the impetus still more to transform Brazil into a planetary power, what he is proper of the old sovietismo, that permeia the imaginary one of the American Latin left, and in function of this, still more exerts the influence on its neighboring region. It is accurately this region that grants status of Brazil to belong to the select group of the BRics, the new powers. However, the presence of the Incio Luis in the presidency of the regional power, created breaches so that the left of the neighborhood also reached the power and questioned ' ' influncia' ' of Brazil. Evo and Lugo are good examples, when questioning the presence of the Petrobra’s and the debt of the Itaip. Although the regrets, the region of the South America is pacifies and Brazil, unquestionedly is its leader, recognized world measures. It remains to know, if when reaching one high degree of being able international, Brazil will contribute for the regional development or it will be continued to still more create discords and divisions in its neighbors, tumultuating conturbada histories of them. Prof. Ivan Santiago Hisses – graduated geography, after graduated titular eprofessor Education the Superior Institute of Sciences Applied of the course of Geography, you discipline in them of Organization of the Space and Regional Geography
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Had to these characteristics it gains relevance the handling and the preservation of the existing hdricos resources in the region for the areas of draining of waters for the courses of the rivers. However, the hidrogrfica basin is a territory, microcosm delimited for the proper nature. Its limits are courses d? water that converges to one same point. Through its natural resources (fauna, flora and ground) and its social groups, they possess different biological, physical, economic and cultural characteristics that allow to individualizar and to command its handling in function of its particularitities and identity. Therefore, through the adequate handling of the hdricos resources in the region it is imperative to motivate the water as a economic and social good of qualitative nature for its use as one natural resources and integrant part of the ecosystem of the Caatinga. With the objective to take care of and to harmonize the real obligations in the diverse activities human beings. In the construction of small infrastructures the opened sky, such as small next dams or mire-trench the house, that would function as great watering holes for captation and storage, is an alternative that will be able to compose a more diversified strategy of handling of the water. Therefore, only through the Ambient Education as a process of conscience taking politics, institucional and of the ambient reality of the man in society, to analyze, in set with the community by means of formal and not formal mechanisms, for the best alternatives of protection of the nature and the partner-economic development with the biosfera. Allowing still more in offering to priorities to the contentment of the basic necessities of its continuous use and the protection of the ecosystems that remain in the Microregions of the Wasteland Paraibano.A MESORREGIO AND ITS IMPORTANCE the State of Paraba presents an area of 56.469, 466 km2, possessing 223 cities with 249 districts.
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