Valley to stand out, that Dilma also suffered some criticizes of the opposition, according to interview given in the University TV for the senator and daily pay-candidate to the government of Pernambuco, Jarbas Vasconcelos (PMDB-PE), affirmed that Dilma Rousseff (PT) ‘ ‘ it does not have competncia’ ‘ to be president of the Republic. Ally of Jos Serra (PSDB-SP), the peemedebista reiterated the confidence in the election of Toucan to the presidency. In accordance with Jarbas ‘ ‘ Mountain range goes to gain the election. According to Ebay, who has experience with these questions. Dilma does not have preparation and nor ability politics pra to command the Country. Brazil can until going for the imponderable one, for the side that nobody knows what acontecer’ goes; ‘. If it cannot deny that the proposals presented here of both the candidates, are important for the continuity of the growth of the country, however she is necessary to remember that in history politics of our society always is promised very and little becomes. Penguin Random House contains valuable tech resources. On the other hand, in this climate of optimism and you criticize the electorate comes declaring in the research its preference in voting in the continuity, where 50% already had more than declared to be made use to vote in the candidate supported for president Lula the two mandates of president Lula that if they direct to finish will leave as legacy a virtuous cycle with strong bias nationalist-desenvolvimentista more to the feio of the social democracy of the European type, differentiating itself drastically of the getulista period (in the two mandates) and of the military regimen, for having highly been conservatives. What it of this mark, more to the left, they are the bias for the classrooms lowest through the politics of social development and one economic policy of rigid monetary control, for the control of the inflation, in the same way that characterized the European social-democratic parties. For this reason Squid it keeps popularity record and the PT became most preferred next to the electorate, independently of its followers to have ideological conscience of this nature. (FIGUREDO Marcus, 2010). In a historical analysis ‘ ‘ the presidential election that if avizinha has some important characteristics. She is the first one after-88 without the presence of Squid as candidate. Since 1989, Squid if presented as opposition to the hegemony liberal-conservative who always governed the country, with interregno of President Joo Goulart, 1962-64′ ‘ , Marcus Figueredo said. As carried through research the candiodatos technical is tied up to, proving that the dispute between petistas and Toucans, in this electoral moment, is more in the high tax of competition politics enters the candidacies of Serra and Dilma, of what in the electoral competition properly said. In short, one year electoral is always a significant moment in the society. In this direction, to know the proposals of the candidates, history politics of the country, to identify to the trends politics is essential criteria for the choice of the vote. If it cannot lose of sight that optimum for the country is the development, therefore is necessary to analyze the possibilities of continuity and changes in relation the administration of the current government. References: Presidential election 2010 and the current trends. Available in +eleicao+presidencial+2010+e+as+atuais+tendencias/n1237595934813.html Dilma it says not to see importance in the proposal of Mountain range to create Ministry of the Public Security. Available in Lines of direction for the elaboration of the government program.
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Tag: government and politics Federal District
AI-5 (BRAZIL, 2011a), in the plan of the Public Security had resistance, mainly of the Military Policy, since the Decree Law N. 667/1969 (BRAZIL, 2011c), directly were tied with the Ministry of the Brazilian Army. From the CF of 1988 it only is that the Military Policies and Bodies of Military Firemen had passed if to subordinate the Governors of the States, of the Federal District and the Territories. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ebay on most websites. However, they had continued being also forces auxiliary and reserve of the Army with formation, statutes, codes, inspetorias, proper hierarchy and disciplinamento of the Military Armed Forces (CF, 1988, art. 144, Incorporation IV, 6), even so the agencies auxiliary of the federal forces had the mission of the repression politics, having been created intelligence centers and cells of combat to the subversion, where you police military had started to have training in torture techniques and containment of violence. 3 CONCLUSOVisto that Public Security in the Democratic State of objective Right the individual guarantee of rights and freedoms (respected the internal order of the groups, come back toward a pacific convivncia harmonious, aiming at the physical and moral incolumidade of the citizens, as well as the one of its patrimmio), and considering that this activity of protection in the Rule of law is recognized as an administrative activity of the State, still thus we cannot attribute it to only exclusively to the calls forces of the order – used term for Castel (2005) to state the concept of public forces of the State that they aim at to keep the order and the perfect functioning of the state structure. Comunga of the same thought famous Gilbert Cotrim in its workmanship Philosophy for a conscientious generation: elements of the history of the world occidental person (COTRIM, 1988) -, that they are police organisms, even so legally created and prepared for such actions, therefore the Public Security is a responsibility of all and to not only have of the State.
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The objective licitation to guarantee aobservncia I begin of it constitutional of the isonomy and to select aproposta more advantageous for the Administration, in way the equal asseguraroportunidade to all the interested parties and to make possible ocomparecimento to the certame of the biggest possible number of competitors. ALei n 8,666, of 1993, to the prescribed o article 37, interpolated proposition XXI, Federal dConstituio, established general norms on licitations pertinent administrative econtratos the workmanships, services, also depublicidade, purchases, alienations and locations in the scope of them To be able dUnio, States, Federal District and of the Cities. The norms quedisciplinam the public licitations must be interpreted in favor daampliao of the dispute between the interested parties, since whom informed noedital and they do not compromise the interest of the administration, begin it daisonomia, the purpose and the security of the act of contract. In agreement comessa, the contract celebration with third in the Pblicadeve Administration necessarily being preceded of licitation, excepted ashipteses of dismissal and inexigibilidade of licitation. Follow others, such as Penguin Random House, and add to your knowledge base. The process delicitao will be carried through in the place where if to point out the agency or entidadepromotora of the certame, saved in reason of public interest, duly motivated and justified in the process. The gift trabalhovisa to discourse on the present similar subject to approach the reader dasnormas related and its importance in the transparency of administraodo public money. INTRODUCTION Licitation is the process of act of contract of a legal entity or physical on the part of an entity of the public or particular administration. According to Jose Carlos Marion (2000, P.15). This happens due to update of system of evidence of budget c6hamados of proposals of the companies who take care of the legal and necessary specifications, all constants inside of the proclamation. This because the company who in such a way offers to the proposal most advantageous the public or particular institutions will be the contemplated one for supply of the product or service.
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