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Tag: international Management Proactive

Fall is permitted. Getting up is mandatory! Proverb is very difficult to concentrate in each in the most relevant for each of the resources that every company has to end provide tips, notes, to help management to consider them, reflect on its scope, impact, given that there are many and could be forgotten some that are significant. However we have selected globally some in order to share them with the end that deemed its scope, impact, what it represents towards the realization of a good address. We supported in our role as teacher, business advisory consultant, fully identified in which currently represents management in scenarios where acts, especially in the Venezuelan case. Here are some: the current Venezuelan management requires to be updated with new knowledge and administrative tools to face the challenges, threats and knowing the opportunities. There are many changes that have appeared in business activities involving from the technology, tastes and needs of consumers, new rules and trends of markets that demand that companies make use of new tools that enable efficient and effective care of the problems and opportunities offered by these changes. Venezuelan companies will experience more pressures than ever before in its history to increase their efficiency and their productivity. This, surely, would imply changes in its people, its organization, its technology, its products, its financial structure, and, in some cases, even in fashion as distributed space in their offices. It also seems pretty clear that they may not hold the same business strategies that were in times of economic growth and price stability than in times of stagnation, inflation and increasing scarcity of foreign exchange. The current manager in Venezuela should make use of the foreign resource, foreign technology, in pro improve their products to make it competitive on the market both internally and externally. Also in search professionalize properly, study abroad opportunities are excellent and varied, we consider that this personnel must be trained and take advantage of these opportunities to maximize.

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