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Tag: society & social issues Brussels EU Speakers

The party wants to participate in the European elections in 2014 and connects the humanistic heritage of the Esperanto movement with modern ideas. Its value base the Party regarded as an intercultural humanism or a global ethic attempts to win an ideological consensus on the basis of a harmonious coexistence of mankind is possible from the various cultures and religions so. “” Ludwig Zamenhof, the 1906 in Saint Petersburg in Russian and Esperanto are fathers of this idea a brochure titled Homaranismo “published, as well as the theologian Hans Kung, since 1990 with his project of world ethos” appeared to the public. UNU mondo”one engaged in transnational democracy as well as for the achievement of the global Marshall plan to reduce of the gap between rich and poor countries. Esperanto is used as a medium of communication for discussion and cooperation across borders. There are a number projects, in which Esperanto development cooperation is used. “The children’s village bona Espero founded in 1957 by Brazilian Esperanto speakers is best known. It was founded in 1957 by Esperanto speakers in Brazil, to give a chance to children without family support and educate them to non-violence, solidarity and cosmopolitan attitude. More than 600 children originally mainly orphans, now mainly social orphans have in the past 55 years found a home, with the personal and financial support of Esperanto speakers from all over the world. In Africa, there are projects that engage Esperanto speakers for overcoming hunger, disease, illiteracy, and lack of prospects. An example is the project of Mazingira Mramba Simba, the Mayor of the municipality of Salama in northeastern of Tanzania, the in close cooperation with Esperanto speakers from around the world for environmental protection, the construction of wells and schools, the allocation of micro-credits and the care of Orphans (which it mainly are AIDS orphans) enters. In 2008, a larger Esperanto Association organized its annual Congress in Africa, in Benin for the first time the International Association of Esperanto teachers. A participant of the Congress, the Brussels EU translator Vlad kison’ka Camacho, was so shocked by the poor maintenance of any children that she along with some Africans founded the project Nabouba by the living conditions of children could starting with nutrition, hygiene and medical care are already much improved when visiting an orphanage in the West African country. Even if it is uncertain if the original goal of Zamenhof, Esperanto should be second language for all people are, nor can be achieved, believe many Esperanto speakers of that language will in the future provide benefits for humanity. Because the humanistic heritage of the Esperanto movement is likely, in conjunction with a properly functioning Co-operation across borders, in the future there help to make the world more peaceful, more just and more human.

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