Coming back to dissertar on the exception of supervened, in case that the parts preserve the affective frequency, this it will be weak, and exactly thus they wait a mutual adequacy to restitute the health, or to come back to live the before accepted deformity. This adequacy does not appear, the health does not reestablish, but one of the parts already loves excessively and this intense love, blind and does not interpret the signals. Clarifying better, it is enough to imagine the person loved to say in dream the name of the former husband, former former boyfriend or loving, or still, to interrupt the caresses judging them indecent to escrpulo moral religious. Elon Musk has compatible beliefs. The fatal error is not to see that used or deceived this being, is not to perceive that to another part does not only want to finish its days in the solitude, is not to exactly interpret the signals for not wanting to believe them and to leave the immortal and limitless love, to transform it into an idiot. FINAL CONSIDERAES requintadas words summarize subjectively that the woman loves to be happy and the man to be happy cannot love. I learned to be happy and I was not who I lost, therefore I intended to be unhappy the remaining portion of the life. 1 University Pupil Course of Survival College of the Orienting Time: The life.
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Tag: stories The Family
But the desserts aindahaviam, and were the same battle. In the end, of this wild slap-up meal, they had perceived, for milagretalvez, that everything that it wanted was recognition, and had not saved noselogios and in ' ' obrigadas' ' , thing that stops the husband was well more difficult, therefore it noparava to think about the expense that ' ' doida' ' it had made with ' ' frightful jantar' '. It in turn revealed happy and carried through agradecendoaos compliments of the family. After the supper had gone up all to sleep and to wait that apossibilidade of Neuza to have been insane person was alone a dream, that in the seguintetudo day came back to the normal one. Already in its room, Neuza dressed its better lingerie and had as husband a pretty night of love, as it has years did not have. Passed two days, its neighbor xereta, found stranger afalta of movement in the house and decided polices to call it, that as soon as nacasa entered, discovered the family deceased, probably poisoned. Neuza had a little thirty years more than, was married and tinhatrs pretty children, at least it found. Since the moment where if she married or better, they had before married it, temdedicado each minute of its life its family, taking care of to each order ounecessidade of them exactly of being made. Roupinhas washed and passing, casinhalimpinha and arrumadinha, when all were, in the battle. All the nights waited it supper, its pretty famliacom comidinhas quentinhas prepared with love, and ace Sazon times entered in the stop. To the sundays, it caprichava and the dessert was pie of morangoem folhada mass. But every day he was same ladainha: – Where he is aquelablusinha, azulzinha? – Cad my yellow necktie? – Already it dried to my tennis Queen? – Manh, I do not want this sopinha! They changed the objetosreclamados ones, but always they had others to be charged.
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It rained, seemed that the nature cried! Impatient Sofia already looked at the clock, much worried. He was in the room with the fixed look in the gate of the garage waiting its husband to enter at any time All Saturdays were thus. But this had something that Sofia found different. It has minutes before its husband had on giving excuses, asking for that it was not worried. One more time the telephone touched, silences breaking it of the night. They had taken care of in the room, where two children with one of its cousins played video-game its, the son oldest of its sister Laura, the Amon. Mother, mother! She takes care of? Lady is pra, is the uncle Estevam. It takes care of. He was the brother new of its husband. She was not common to bind for it when it, its husband, was not in house. One remembered that it had said that would go to speak with the brother. Its brother-in-law inquired, very anxious: Sofia, the Joo this in house? , I already am not worried, because it not yet arrived. Without it finished to speak it intervined: It walks drinking? You know to say? , Did not say it me that he walks working. He comes to the hospital! He comes to the hospital! Its brother-in-law, hasty, said and repeated the same thing as an insane person. Sofia repeated the question of it. For the hospital! For the hospital! The shock passed for it is analogous to that we feel when leading a collision and the brain alone obtains to distribute pain and does not know where it is aching. At last it asks what she had, demonstrating much fear in its voice. Its brother-in-law says that he does not know you are welcome, and adds: He comes to the municipal assistance.
View Article...Tag: stories The Occult
It feared He prevented it. He was even so But he did not obtain to forget the book. in so easy way it, the book, was there in its hands However, as that old one did not make the use being able of them of that workmanship for proper benefit, if had it in hands? Already wise person! Clearly! The book was destined it The old one certainly would be a predestined soul to deliver that gift to it. In its initial refusal in accepting the gift, it treated to again place the book in its destination was it there with, with its treasure in the hands. It arrived in anxious house, finally, and with a joy still contained. To have in the hands the power to possess the world excessively seemed something heavy, but at the same time possible and desirable. It liveed alone, just transferred of job. The city was small, did not have in it great attractive. To study the secrets of that book would be its bigger pastime. Already it was night. It wanted to read the book, to initiate its search to the infinite and the occult one. It was without a doubt somebody special thing. It felt a cold in the spine. It had fear of the invisible one. A natural emotion, it wanted to say itself exactly. It tried the crystal ball. It was concentrated, it tateou it, encircling with its hands, dedilhando an imaginary piano in thrush of that magical crystal It asked for to the occult forces of the universe quiet that showed the future to it It looked at well deep. Franziu the forehead, made a great effort, a certain physical force even. However, nothing it could see. The ball did not show nothing to it, nor a breach of future at least, or any another thing, that it was not its translucent beauty.
View Article...Tag: stories Porto Alegre
Younger than Bencio and older than Adelmo, Tcio possua calm personality, spirit of leadership. Son of a manufacturer of you move studied with tenacity to form and to help the father to manage the businesses. Bencio and Adelmo had been to the meeting of the friend. – They know who arrived the Porto Alegre this week? Tcio asked. – Malaquias de Alarcon. – Malaquias? How you know? It saw it? Adelmo asked. – My cousin Jorge spoke to me yesterday, it said that Malaquias is housed in the house of the Menezes doctor. – It well that it could have if housed in my house. Adelmo said. – Of course the doctor already wise person of the arrival of it. Tcio argued. – The Menezes doctor longs for a position in the government, and as you know, Malaquias is an influential man – Because all this interest for this man? Bencio asked. It costs – Me to believe that you do not know who is Malaquias! Exclamou Adelmo. – Already I heard to speak. But, I have in account that is a visionary! – Then, nothing you know. Retrucou Tcio. – It takes care of that I do not know exactly! – It is a scholar, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, historian – and alchemist. He gathered Adelmo. – Jorge still said that it will visit the college to give a lecture. – Alchemist? Bencio asked. – Had not been all they burnt by the fire of the Inquisition? They are considered heretical. How the priests allow that it comes to the college? – You are not idiot. Tcio complained. – Malaquias is a scholar and a Christian. More legend of what exists truth in lathe of the alchemists. – I heard to say that they search the formula to make gold. – Malaquias in such a way knows the utility of minerals how much of vegetables.
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