We have always known that the society goes in front of the laws, that previously mark to the changes in the customs and habits of the people whom later there are to legislate. This also happens with financial products and the use of the new technologies. The different existing supports already in the market offer the possibility that those companies that bet by the innovation are incorporating these movable devices like means to also accede to different financial products. According to the report of the Commission of the Market of Telecomunicaciones (CMT) published at the beginning of February of 2011, the broadband line number grew a 8.4% in 2010 with respect to the previous year with 816,415 new lines, until reaching a park of 10.56 million. In movable telephony, the number of new line was of 1.76 million, a 3.2% more than in 2009 and add 56.6 million already. On the other hand, the mean consumption of Internet in the moving body is of 298 MB to the month in Europe. For this reason, the tariffs of movable telephony that they include a certain amount of traffic of data including every time is more common, especially in the cases in which the user has smartphone. The consumption of data has gone off year in the last. Part of blames have 6% of the clients, who consume 50% of the traffic. Really, which is clear is that it will be more and more common to have access to Internet in the pocket and that, in terms of traffic, in the future not very distant the usuary one half will be the present user heavy with a consumption that is entered without problems in monthly Gigabytes and that will make bloom tariffs without limits to acceptable prices. From all this one derives that many of the companies, financial businesses, products and/or services more quickly approach every day this element, already essential in our society and that is changing the customs radically, and directly offer accessible solutions from the movable telephone that has access to Internet.
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