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Tag: today Technical Department

What preventative computer maintenance the Technical Department of a company, where it exists, should be in charge of solves all the problems that occur in relation to the network and various technical problems. But where there was not this Department in the company and be a contracted service this should pay attention before any technical hard that may arise to the client. If you have hired a preventative computer maintenance service you should know how it works and what is covered. The first thing that must cover preventive maintenance service is phone support for any questions that may arise and which can be solved by phone. In addition, it is important preventative computer maintenance service, outsource to inform before serious failings of how to fix it or explain the reasons why spend such errors. Basic preventive maintenance services are: review of the status of the network; through exams and weekly checks, technicians must know how is it network and where fails, to be preparing against failures that may arise. Check the operation of the server; This is also the service of computer maintenance task and within this process, check if the anti-virus is working properly and if the data is being transferred correctly. All these services would be forming in basic computer maintenance pereventivo service package..

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Tag: today Buenos Aries

The backbone of this new paradigm places emphasis on emotional literacy as fundamental aspect in the formation of the human being. Our fundamental premise: most of the problems are based on an emotional illiteracy, and as a result it is a question to reveal if the teachers questioned what place that are granted to the feelings and emotions in education? How they participate, intervene and are present, the emotions and the feelings in the educational process? What structures are mobilizing? How they hinder and help how? Is it true that they are left out when emotions are ignored? Can they understand and assimilate certain concepts, significantly regardless of emotions that arise in every human being? Or is it that the feelings are part of that understanding that, to be ignored, resulting in problems in assimilating them, in living together in the classroom and, above all, phenomena such as: violence, substance, challenging behaviors? When it comes to solving problems or intervene in specific situations is possible, desirable, advisable, ignore or exclude the emotional factors that interfere in all relational process? There are several angles from which this issue can be addressed. What is being proposed, in addition to the above questions are a series of statements that invite reflection and debate on the same. Some authors claim that feelings are a human dimension that not we cannot dispense with, if we want to promote a comprehensive development of the person. (Rogers 1992, Damasio 2005). Education includes the person in their bio-psycho-social and spiritual dimension that at its core is the affective dimension. However, this emotional core, has not considered in its full dimension, especially in the classroom contexts. Perhaps, because the elements conceptual, methodological and attitudinal, not are clear enough to be addressed appropriately, or perhaps by the resistance that this generates. Anyway, be for the reason that, as the approach in this direction is being totally necessary, pursuant to the phenomena that are living in schools. These are times of change and change deserves the revision of old paradigms, especially and in particular, with regard to education. Bibliography of inquiry Cordie, Anny. The retarded there, Buenos Aries Ed.

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