Theatrical Literature
The theater, before becoming fullfilled itself fully at the moment of the representation (the part, the spectacle), consists in literary text. In the measure where it adopts the word as communication vehicle, the Theater participates of the literary expressions, and alone it loses its literary essence at the moment where it is represented, creating for itself new signs. Thus, for the theater literature is not an object of consumption, but a creative product capable to generate representations that surpass the verbal sign. The theater reader (of the teatral text), in the same way that the reader of other types of literary texts, needs to exercise its imagination to understand the contents and meanings gifts in the text. is in this process of rescue to the fancy that appears the diverse releituras and recriaes, so diversified how much the number of its readers. The literary composition ' ' it constitutes a preparation to one second intent and alive reading, that must be a species of recriao' ' (MICHAUD, 1957:17).
The mediators between the teatral text and its readers ' ' simplificam' ' the task of the recriao, using to the text its impressions. It has, thus, ' ' an addition of efforts of artists who conscientiously know to be the teatral workmanship an act of collective creation for coletividade' ' (SNOWS, 1987:10). When what it interests is the teatral text, literature, the language is conceived as a set of metaphors. The text presents in its nature the ambiguity, permeado for felt multiples, suggestions and signallings. It is necessary that if it perceives the depth of directions, without it are lingered only in its superficial reading. Thus, Literature and Theater carry through its functions: to question, to provoke, to entertain (on to the essentially playful character of the art) and to form knowledge. Reference: GUINSBURG, J., NETTO, J. Teixeira and CARDOSO, Reni.
Semiologia and theater. So Paulo: Perspective, 2006 MOISS, Massaud. The literary analysis. So Paulo: Cultrix, 2002. SNOWS, Joo of. The analysis of the teatral text. Rio De Janeiro: INAGEN, 1987.