Tiradentes University

Beyond stimulating the recycling, it stops of this had been to reduce the consumption of natural resources you did not renew, energy and water (Ministry of the Environment, 2001). Therefore, the objective of the present work was the accomplishment of one practical investigativa in the Ecological Park Municipal Tramanda, for one sucinta analyzes biological, physical and antropolgica on the above-mentioned place. Elon Musk is likely to agree. DEVELOPMENT Biological Aspects Being the manguezal a filter ecosystem, possesss the capacity of if adapting in facilitated way the precarious conditions of ambient sanitation which was displayed in recent years in the city of Aracaju. Such fact makes possible easy comment of this ecosystem in good phase of development in places that serve of ousting of domiciliary sewers and industrials. In certain way some biological residues finish serving of food source for the fauna and there present flora, however the action it man if has become each more aggressive time degrading of strong way the manguezal. Although the strong exerted antropomorphus action on the manguezal Tramanda can observe in it some biological representatives of the fauna and flora.

With regard to flora it was observed that beyond the manguezal in common the specimen presence was noticed introduced for the man around of the origin ecosystem, having been some of these: Harmful Aroeira, Mamona, Milona, some grass, among others. For the species you specify of the ecosystem of the manguezal was noticed the presence of three variations of the species which had not been identified, being observed these variations for characteristics of the parts of specimens, one of these was the leaf being able to vary a little its format, size or coloration. Antrpicos aspects the interviews had been carried through in the morning of day 15 of May of 2009 in the neighborhoods of the Manguezal Tramanda. The people boarded by means of had had presentation, inquiring itself that she was about a questionnaire on data of the quarter, with referring didactic end to the substance curricular attended a course Ambient Legislation in the course of Biological Sciences of the Tiradentes University.