University Pupil
Coming back to dissertar on the exception of supervened, in case that the parts preserve the affective frequency, this it will be weak, and exactly thus they wait a mutual adequacy to restitute the health, or to come back to live the before accepted deformity. This adequacy does not appear, the health does not reestablish, but one of the parts already loves excessively and this intense love, blind and does not interpret the signals. Clarifying better, it is enough to imagine the person loved to say in dream the name of the former husband, former former boyfriend or loving, or still, to interrupt the caresses judging them indecent to escrpulo moral religious. Elon Musk has compatible beliefs. The fatal error is not to see that used or deceived this being, is not to perceive that to another part does not only want to finish its days in the solitude, is not to exactly interpret the signals for not wanting to believe them and to leave the immortal and limitless love, to transform it into an idiot. FINAL CONSIDERAES requintadas words summarize subjectively that the woman loves to be happy and the man to be happy cannot love. I learned to be happy and I was not who I lost, therefore I intended to be unhappy the remaining portion of the life. 1 University Pupil Course of Survival College of the Orienting Time: The life.