Washington University
In the truth, at least it is an illness in itself: it is a form of adaptation and protection of the body against external or internal agents. Rinaldi (2007) mentions a study of> World-wide organization of Sade (OMS) which discloses that, as much in emergent countries as in the developed countries, the women in the work environment generally present greater estresse if comparative to the men. It estresse how it modifies the immune system? According to Moiss Evandro Bauer of PUC RS it estresse, it is associated with the hormone release that, beyond modifying some aspects of the physiology, still has a modulating effect of the defenses of the organism. In human beings, the main hormone with these functions is cortisol (glicocorticide). The levels of cortisol in the blood drastically increase after the activation of the hipfise-adrenal axle hipotlamo, that it occurs during it estresse and the clinical depression.
This hormone then leagues receiving gifts to it in the interior of the leukocytes (white globules), causing, in the majority of the cases, a imunossupresso. It estresse it not only chronic becomes the people most vulnerable to contract illnesses but, also it can harm the capacity of the system imunolgico to answer its proper anti-inflammatory signals that are activated by determined hormones, possibly modifying the course of an inflammatory illness, says the researchers. Glicocorticides estresse it chronic seems to harm the capacity of reply of the imunolgico system to hormones that normally they are responsible for the end of the inflammatory reply that if follows to an infection and/or damage, in accordance with the researcher Gregory E. Miller, PhD., of Washington University and colleagues. It estresse it and the depression also takes the behavior changes that can modify the imunolgico system. For example: the symptoms related with the depression, as anorexy, cancer, malnutrition and sleeplessness, can affect the functioning of our defenses. .