Had to these characteristics it gains relevance the handling and the preservation of the existing hdricos resources in the region for the areas of draining of waters for the courses of the rivers. However, the hidrogrfica basin is a territory, microcosm delimited for the proper nature. Its limits are courses d? water that converges to one same point. Through its natural resources (fauna, flora and ground) and its social groups, they possess different biological, physical, economic and cultural characteristics that allow to individualizar and to command its handling in function of its particularitities and identity. Therefore, through the adequate handling of the hdricos resources in the region it is imperative to motivate the water as a economic and social good of qualitative nature for its use as one natural resources and integrant part of the ecosystem of the Caatinga. With the objective to take care of and to harmonize the real obligations in the diverse activities human beings. In the construction of small infrastructures the opened sky, such as small next dams or mire-trench the house, that would function as great watering holes for captation and storage, is an alternative that will be able to compose a more diversified strategy of handling of the water. Therefore, only through the Ambient Education as a process of conscience taking politics, institucional and of the ambient reality of the man in society, to analyze, in set with the community by means of formal and not formal mechanisms, for the best alternatives of protection of the nature and the partner-economic development with the biosfera. Allowing still more in offering to priorities to the contentment of the basic necessities of its continuous use and the protection of the ecosystems that remain in the Microregions of the Wasteland Paraibano.A MESORREGIO AND ITS IMPORTANCE the State of Paraba presents an area of 56.469, 466 km2, possessing 223 cities with 249 districts.
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Month: May 2012 Scientific Methodology
As the same it argues, the participation of the professors in one workshop with these characteristics it generates significant advances in its perceptions concerning the situation of the world (Edwards et al., 2001). Of course it is not enough to provoke a change in depth that afecte in durable way the behaviors. The influence of the experience, the values, the beliefs and the attitudes, citizens to an impregnation during many years are, in general, hardly modifiable with simple activities of quarrel, despite they are apiem in adequate documentation and they lead to the elaboration of proposals to lead to the lesson. What it is possible, in a first boarding, is to modify the perceptions and to favor the conscience taking of that the scientific education has to contribute to think the future, dimension until forgotten here (HICKS and HOLDEN apud CACHAPUZ, 2005, P. 178) Therefore, this line of action, that involves since the formation of the professionals of the education to the resume developed for them in the spaces pertaining to school, stimulate a solidary education directed toward the human values, for which either reached the ambient conscience and consequently the responsibility social by means of which the scientific studies if give the sustainable development on the basis of, but that above all this either seen as a pledge of the future generations, therefore the world alone will be more good when all to assume the commitment to preserve the nature and of living the fraternity in its fullness. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BRAZIL, Managing Agency of the National Politics of Ambient Education. Youth Citizenship and Environment: subsidies for the elaboration of pbicas politics/Ministry of the Environment/Ministry of the Education? Brasilia: UNESCO, 2006. CACHAPUZ, Antonio. The necessary renewal of Ensino de Cincias. Cortez: So Paulo, 2005. LAKATOS, Eva Maria/MARCONI, Marina of Andrade. Beddings of the Scientific Methodology. Acts: So Paulo, 1991. REIGOTA, Landmarks. That it is Ambient education. Brasiliense. So Paulo, 1994.
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