We have one objective in mind: to provide tools for growth for small and medium-sized enterprises. Our management systems and web pages serve two fundamental functions in any business, regardless of size: improve the process of the Informacionla resource optimization has become essential in any business who wants to grow, and even that he wants to continue to exist. Our systems help you to save money, more control, and sort the information in order to gain access to clients that were inaccessible in the past. Expand territoriosNuevos clients bought each day by companies that found on the internet through search engines. Our web sites will help you to be among the first so more people and companies are aware of their products and services. Our services will try to cover some specific and their critical business areas.Our desire to is be part of your team and make the best of our knowledge and experience for the growth of your company.Feel free to contact us with any questions or you query, using the contact details in the footer or the last form of Contacto.Por, we invite you to know us a little more in section about us. Mission: We make software. We want to serve the Argentine companies creating systems that minimize efforts and maximize the performance of your actions. Our systems are clear, intuitive and easy to use.In summary, our software removes complex to the work of our clients. Vision: We want to be number one in Argentina software manufacturer. With this objective in mind, we want to focus on those projects that challenge us to a higher level of creativity and knowledge to grow as individuals and as a team. Values: TransparenciCuando the current currency is corruption, honesty seems to be a virtue. However, transparency should be as common as normal. As a company we try to daily give example to our customers and suppliers to positively influence our society. SencillezSe says that the simplest answer is usually the correct. Be complicated is counterproductive. We simply don’t want to complicate us, rather we want to make life easy for our customers. Good voluntadEstamos available to those who need us. We are here to serve. We believe that what we sow, also reap. It is not that we do not charge our projects, but we do not work to collect, we work to serve others. Empatiaentendemos that internalize in the context and situation is essential to think in a consistent solution. We offer each customer solutions that serve each customer. CriterioPensamos our projects with judgment and discernment, taking extreme care regarding subsequent action. I.e., we distinguish between a good and a bad decision to avoid them a problem and give an advantage to our customers. Should why choose Whisper? Because more than seven years of learning and experience in the market will be at the service of our customers. Because we have sufficient tools and capacity to add value to your business. Because honesty and seriousness are not optional.
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Month: April 2013 Management Proactive
Fall is permitted. Getting up is mandatory! Proverb is very difficult to concentrate in each in the most relevant for each of the resources that every company has to end provide tips, notes, to help management to consider them, reflect on its scope, impact, given that there are many and could be forgotten some that are significant. However we have selected globally some in order to share them with the end that deemed its scope, impact, what it represents towards the realization of a good address. We supported in our role as teacher, business advisory consultant, fully identified in which currently represents management in scenarios where acts, especially in the Venezuelan case. Here are some: the current Venezuelan management requires to be updated with new knowledge and administrative tools to face the challenges, threats and knowing the opportunities. There are many changes that have appeared in business activities involving from the technology, tastes and needs of consumers, new rules and trends of markets that demand that companies make use of new tools that enable efficient and effective care of the problems and opportunities offered by these changes. Venezuelan companies will experience more pressures than ever before in its history to increase their efficiency and their productivity. This, surely, would imply changes in its people, its organization, its technology, its products, its financial structure, and, in some cases, even in fashion as distributed space in their offices. It also seems pretty clear that they may not hold the same business strategies that were in times of economic growth and price stability than in times of stagnation, inflation and increasing scarcity of foreign exchange. The current manager in Venezuela should make use of the foreign resource, foreign technology, in pro improve their products to make it competitive on the market both internally and externally. Also in search professionalize properly, study abroad opportunities are excellent and varied, we consider that this personnel must be trained and take advantage of these opportunities to maximize.
View Article...Month: April 2013 Call Center Manager
Industry contacts centres evident symptoms of Regional growth and at the same time demand for examples and knowledge that enable set operations on best practices. The effective management of the different remote channels of interaction with different customer segments that make up the most precious asset of any organization asset, poses a new challenge to the industry that must prepare management tables and middle managers, for the purpose of responding to the new demands made by the evolution of this activity. The challenge not only focuses on the external customer loyalty but also in the asset more precious, each organization the client internal proprietary. Today, more than ever, is strategic to be able to attract, retain, and loyalty to our team. For operating conditions not always accompany this environment where every day is more characterized by the speed of change and scarce which gives the ability for the maturity, stability and consequent growth of the vital asset, our people. From this perspective we began to develop this document so that the Management can design a methodology that allows to maximize efforts in achieving the objectives with which every day has to contend in the operation. In a sentence; prepare to evaluate conflict of interest when it comes to making the decision (the personal/professional) towards the zone D is the coronation of the success of the management of all a team that accepts the challenge of the professionalization of the contact center from the perspective of the establishment of a climate of work, which guarantees the reason of human beings be happy. Anything is possible to construct without this slogan. The nine steps leading to Zone D process to get from some areas (A, B, or C) to Zone D, as all process is a path that we can launch commitment from make the decision to do so and that involves many actors within the Organization, Call Center Manager, supervisors, quality, Coaches and agents.
View Article...Month: April 2013 Effective Communication
MANAGEMENT and communication effective Carlos Mora Vanegas many problems faced in the working groups of the companies, this related to communication, aspect that due attention is not paid and this implies that often arises the discontent, unproductive and a negative organizational climate. Here, management should be very careful as the communication is used, and since then, as it is being used to knowing it properly, use to obtain a harmonious climate, with positive results. On the role of communication in pro motivate, to publicize the ideas, actions to follow, management should know it properly handle. Thereon, Abel Sanchez Rodriguez, considered to be the following components of it reminds us: issuer: person who emits the message receiver: person who receives the message transmission channel: Via transmitting coded message: text that you want to send to the receiver. Feedback: Confirmation that the message was received properly. Noise, distortion and interference: interruptions to the communication process. Do internal: psychological factors, statements of encouragement,? etc. External: difficulties in the transmission channel, technical problems? language, culture. Rodriguez tells us, that in the communication process the issuer decides the message aired, the channel and the encoding that will be used. However the issuer is who should deal with that feedback, that is a message in itself, comes as more clear as possible since this is the way needed to know if the message was received with clarity, otherwise the feedback will come in the moment in which the receiver fails to comply with or do not perform the task indicated in the body of the message as expected by the issuer by the just made a poor communication or interpretation of the message. Most of the components of the communication process have the ability to create distortions, and therefore affect the goal of communicating perfectly. Distortions de-penden fundamentally of the psychological state of the transmitter and receiver, the encoding type and the used channel.
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