Monthly Archives: August 2016

Month: August 2016 First Website

Organizing your first small business website, there are three essential questions you must ask yourself:-who is your target audience? -How are you going to find your target audience? -How are you going to turn users into sales? These questions sound obvious, but is incredible the amount of people that neither bothers and then begin to complain that… I can not do any business with my web site. 1) Who is my target audience? It starts giving a good dose of reflection on your target market. Who do want to attract to your web site?, why? The answer to that is more than likely to sell something a product, a service or an idea perhaps. Assert that your market is everything and each of those who visit your website is too vague person, so probably your web site lacks focus, to maximize its potential. The first thing you have to do to find your public goal is to find or create a niche 2) do find to my target audience? Create a niche you It will help with the search engines, and you will get that each person who comes to your site at least has something of interest in what they offer. It considers the key words of your target market, you should type in a search engine to find it. In fact, get the same as if to do a search on your own. Who appears in the TOP 30? because that is where you need to be. Look at the sites of your competitors. Do they work? How can you do it better than them? It identifies something unique about your business that distinguishes it from the rest. To be more exact key words or key phrases that you’ve chosen for your target market you should incorporate them in the pages of your web site in the titles of the pages, lines, and internal links.

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Month: August 2016 Tips For Writing Public Relations

If they still do not have vision and mission, is the time to define it, as this gives us the breadth of the business framework in which we are going to develop the next year and can be focused from two directions: the first is: where we want to arrive? How are we getting? The second in reverse: how are we? And where we want to arrive? To illustrate, here presented two very popular concepts of what is mission & vision: Vision: relatively remote future where the company develops in the best possible conditions according to the dreams and hopes of the owner or executive director. Mission: It is conceived as an opportunity to do business that identifies a company within a context of needs. Clearly defines your audiences or audiences clearly defined audiences or corporate audiences with whom your company has and will have permanent relationship and who you are interested in impact with all communication activity to take place next year. I know many companies that only have some idea of their audiences, the best thing is to write this information in detail. I insist: what is not written simply does not exist. You can read more details on these topics by visiting. image-business. com main audiences of a corporation in the majority of cases are: employees shareholders clients or consumers neighbors of the community where the company resides providers creditors media governmental entities tax guilds to which belongs the local authorities Public Opinion company each of these audiences are interested in your corporation as a source of benefits: the employees want wage and employment; shareholders, utilities; customers, good products and services; governmental entities tax, taxes; distributors and wholesalers, utilities; suppliers, orders; the media, news, etc. The various interests of each audience suggest a specific treatment in the relationship with the company, all under the same general strategic objective annual defined in the mission and vision. The audience of employees, whose goodwill results in increased efficiency; customers, who provide the capital, pay wages and generate profits, as well as shareholders, distributors, wholesalers, suppliers, the Government and, very importantly, the media, who are builders of perceptions and also destroyer. In summary, then, have clear talk about who the next year, for a correct approach to all your communication efforts. You can read more about these topics by visiting. image-business. Oscar Rossignoli com is editor and responsible for. image-business. com, a web site developed to train communication professionals in general to design and implement effective communication strategies in his capacity as general managers, consultants, independent, or from their positions as public managers, publicists, journalists, directors of corporate communications and/or any other position that requires comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge for effective performance and with immediate positive results.

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Month: August 2016 International Telecommunication Union

Deserves analysis. FM broadcasters can replace the lack of scope to contend with more wealth and that are beyond the power of the station. I think their functions are linked to the creation of national wealth "from" their possibilities to the rest of the community, I think even beyond. I think they are referring to consult for discharging opinion on the construction of the national broadcasting policy abroad and national industry policy, including a corporate, a category that is necessary to achieve. Local policy decisions can be very important if they are innovative and involve the charge of other communities in this is he "built" from the noblest of services, which is like the International Telecommunication Union typified radio broadcasting, even imposes qualitatively television, and that this captures only one sense and is not just two, but also an important part of fitness and analysis of the medium that supports such as information, as a kind of impunity that blocks reflection for their visual ecological carrying useless to build its current aesthetic values, and references, as if she understood that in Argentina there is neither wise men nor brave or heroes. And this is false, it will be functional but a lie and if a lie will not build anything meaningful and lasting. It is functional only to freeze the existing, is functional to the status quo, is functional to the decree of the "end of history" social Argentina. A dial really ecumenical and democratic, it will not be without the presence of union organizations in the availability of radio frequencies for radio broadcasting, on the nature and complexity of the future must be national in scope that is in AM (Amplitude Modulation) this is still a topic not discussed in the country and, so, denied that, in future forced rationalization of the availability of energy resources for the new futures prices, given a higher value communications systems over long distances, either in support of signals as in the nature of the contents .- This situation is leading to a strategic reassessment of the availability of allocated and assigned frequencies from the ITU for Region .- This means that international standards will affect the configuration of the scope and duration of the content, if the union at national level.

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Month: August 2016 Jacques Schumacher Appointed As The Managing Director Of Ikano Bank GmbH

Jacques Schumacher was appointed March 15, 2011, to the Managing Director of Ikano Bank GmbH. Wiesbaden, June 01, 2011 – Jacques Schumacher was appointed to March 15, 2011, to the Managing Director of Ikano Bank GmbH. He succeeds Claus Heide. With Jacques Schumacher a successor was appointed Bank Managing Director of Ikano, which has many years of experience in retail banking, with a clear focus on the consumer credit business. The 50th degree of merchant, who graduated from the RWTH Aachen University, worked many years in the B2C area of international financial institutions before 2008 joining Bank as head of marketing & sales of Ikano. Previously, Jacques Schumacher worked as Marketing Manager for Citibank retail AG and later as international business manager for the Santander consumer Bank AG, formerly CC-Bank. With priority Jacques Schumacher will concentrate on the target, to establish the Ikano Bank GmbH as a major player in the consumer credit business in Germany. The clear focus will be on the Are sales financing. About IKANO: Ikano Bank GmbH is part of Swedish Ikano group, which was founded in 1988 and is located imBesitz the Kamprad family. Ingvar Kamprad is known throughout the world as the founder of IKEA. As an internationally active group with about 4,000 employees is active the Ikano group in the areas of financial services, real estate, insurance, asset management and retail. The philosophy of the company is to develop long-term solutions to fair conditions of partnership and to create added value for customers, partners and employees. The headquarters of Ikano Group located in Luxembourg, the Ikano Bank GmbH in Germany is located in Wiesbaden. There, she serves more than 1.1 million customers. Visit for more information. Press contact: Christina Winkler Otto-von-Guericke-ring 15 65205 Wiesbaden phone 06122 999-734-E-Mail

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Month: August 2016 Huizinga Playful

what is playfulness? The playful activity surpasses the projects, consequences widely and draws out almost all the actions. In this perspective, the game exceeds the sphere of the life human being, being, therefore, previous to the culture. Still, the playful activity assumes an ordinance of the reality, either subjective and intuitiva it (as in the case of the games of fiction or imagination), or conscientious objective and (as in the case of the games with rules). In the referenciais, in special of Huizinga (2000), the culture it appears under the game form, being that the playful trend of the human being is in the base of many accomplishments in the sphere of the philosophy, science, the art (in special of music and the poetry), in the military field and same politician and in the judicial area. Brian Krzanich can provide more clarity in the matter. Therefore, the basic idea of this author is that, beyond the games that normally are incorporated the culture of a people, the proper culture if form and if it develops stimulated for the playful spirit. Therefore it does not have as to speak of playful and not saying of games and tricks. The game is an activity that has an enormous educational value, therefore beyond stimulating the child, to develop its reasoning, aid in the learning, and still it obtains to make with that the children establish relations of companionship one with the others. In the book ‘ ‘ The game for jogo’ ‘ of Leift and Brunelle (1978), the game corresponds to a natural impulse of the child, and in this direction, it satisfies a necessity interior, therefore the human being presents a playful trend. Rousseau and Pestalozzi (apud SOUZA, 1996), in century XVIII, pointed out the importance of the games as formative instrument, therefore beyond exercising the body, the directions and the aptitudes, the games also prepared for a life in common and the social relations.

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Month: August 2016 Cassandra Rivers Literature

Interesting us, therefore this time a time that if it intends to analyze the workmanship of Cassandra Rivers ' ' Traas' ' for the bias of the one after-modernismo dated of 1950 until current days. The first traces of homoertica literature in Brazil, as some research, had appeared traces in the workmanship the Athenaeum of Raul Pompia in 1888, following the line it has Alusio de Azevedo with the Tenement house (1890) and Olmpio Sundays with Luzia Man (1903). However, the landmark in this type of boarding if gave with Adolph Walks in 1895 with the publication of the Good Creole, workmanship that the principle did not have a good reception of the public for portraying a passion between the Creole and grumete, return thus in the years 70 with bigger force possessing connotations politics. The trajectory for the formation of workmanships with ertico matrix and personages of one exactly sex continued being the thematic one of other authors as Anbal Axe, Loved Jorge, Gasparino Damata, Rubem Fonseca, Trevisan Atomic mass unit, Joo Gilbert Noll, I fall Fernando Abreu, among others that they had opted to making a denser and introspective literature. Judged for some critics as literature delinquent for dealing with to peripheral subjects and the condition human being front to the indifference propitiating the diversification of models that pass of a simple sentimental character, testimonial to another ertico and ponographic calling. Regarding this, one comments in article on the homoerotismo and the marginalizao of the authorship of Irades Palermo and Thiago Carbonel that ' ' The rhetoric of the permeia marginality the homoertica literary production inserting the personages homosexuals in subversion contexts, bizarrice and represso' ' . In this manner, the personages are the consequence of the way, of the society that enters in contradiction with preset standards of normality, resulting in a new culture to the edge of the society. .

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Month: August 2016 Theatrical Literature

The theater, before becoming fullfilled itself fully at the moment of the representation (the part, the spectacle), consists in literary text. In the measure where it adopts the word as communication vehicle, the Theater participates of the literary expressions, and alone it loses its literary essence at the moment where it is represented, creating for itself new signs. Thus, for the theater literature is not an object of consumption, but a creative product capable to generate representations that surpass the verbal sign. The theater reader (of the teatral text), in the same way that the reader of other types of literary texts, needs to exercise its imagination to understand the contents and meanings gifts in the text. is in this process of rescue to the fancy that appears the diverse releituras and recriaes, so diversified how much the number of its readers. The literary composition ' ' it constitutes a preparation to one second intent and alive reading, that must be a species of recriao' ' (MICHAUD, 1957:17). The mediators between the teatral text and its readers ' ' simplificam' ' the task of the recriao, using to the text its impressions. It has, thus, ' ' an addition of efforts of artists who conscientiously know to be the teatral workmanship an act of collective creation for coletividade' ' (SNOWS, 1987:10). When what it interests is the teatral text, literature, the language is conceived as a set of metaphors. The text presents in its nature the ambiguity, permeado for felt multiples, suggestions and signallings. It is necessary that if it perceives the depth of directions, without it are lingered only in its superficial reading. Thus, Literature and Theater carry through its functions: to question, to provoke, to entertain (on to the essentially playful character of the art) and to form knowledge. Reference: GUINSBURG, J., NETTO, J. Teixeira and CARDOSO, Reni. Semiologia and theater. So Paulo: Perspective, 2006 MOISS, Massaud. The literary analysis. So Paulo: Cultrix, 2002. SNOWS, Joo of. The analysis of the teatral text. Rio De Janeiro: INAGEN, 1987.

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Month: August 2016 Infantile Literature

Ahead of this reality, a necessity of special treatment is perceived stops with the children, who until then they were not recognized as a being child, but as an adult in miniature. From then on it is created notion of infncia and this necessary infantile being of formation. Filed under: Brian Krzanich. The bourgeois society contribue in the construction of pertaining to school institutions, making possible the access the education to the children, privilege this, that was part of the life of few, more necessarily of the religious ones. Until then, the people were one part cculo of convivncia in which they located themselves in one same text of equality; adults and children participated of the same conditions of work and the same wheels of colloquy. Of this form same histories were shared by adult children and, since it was custom of the old ones to carry through descontrao moments, by means of the transmission of the popular histrias. Valley to stand out the fact of that such histories were of extremely violent character, its messages transmitted the enormous capacity of the man in what if it treats to execute cruel acts stops with its next one. The figure of the mothers, in many stories, she was shown as a being me and the unhappy one whom part of a space corrupted for the misery and the poverty was and, this vine to justify, perhaps, the existence of its badness and the lack of escrpulos. According to studious of the subject, the original versions of the stories that we know, today, visibly show the actions of cruelty of the mothers in relation to the children. Considering the reality in which the school appeared, it is natural that let us perceive the existing precariousness, how much to the available material for its white public, the children. These information become pertinent the consensus of that Infantile Literature was born in an entirely adult universe.

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Month: August 2016 Literature

In a perspective to interdisciplinar, that is, that one that if apia in an interchange in which one or more laws taken by one disciplines can be used to explain phenomena of another one disciplines by means of some redefinition, some accumulation of knowledge and, mainly, by means of the possible connections with others you discipline, we argue, in this work, the literary text as a mosaic of other texts, some next ones, some most distant ones. We point as the reading citizen can be capable to recognize the traces and vestiges considered here as nuances interdisciplinares, from which this interchange can happen, a time that a text estimates one another text, a subject estimates another subject and an analysis, another analysis. Objectifying this study, it is necessary to argue as the literary text can be worked in classroom from the perspective to run away from the traditional techniques of that education of Literature centered in the semiologia and the sistmica analysis, that is, that one of if at the time inscribing the literary text of its production and its main judgments and characteristics that had interested this time. For a reason or purpose questioning of the pertaining to school resume broken up by you discipline, we create a dialogue between the reading citizen and the texts from its proper daily one, understanding this daily since the world contemporary until the lived individual impasses in the outskirts of each text. According to Lajolo (1994, P. 32), ' ' literature constitutes privileged modality of reading where the freedom and the pleasure are virtually ilimitados' '. She is necessary to also remember that Literature is a science in transit with other sciences and that the pleasure, the motivation of the learning can inhabit exactly in this passage of science for science, of disciplines for disciplines, that is, in the interdisciplinaridade. According to author: ' ' Perhaps if she has not reflected still sufficiently on some traces that modern pedagogias and certain models of renewed school had printed to the education, mainly in the education of literature. .

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Month: August 2016 Literature

At this first moment we will not have a literature directed toward the children, it only goes to be confectioned in Brazil in the end of century XIX and beginning of the XX. But the presence of the personages alone will go to happen in the end of 1920 and beginning of 1930. However, the representations always were atreladas the subordinate conditions (house servant, as the famous Aunt Anastcia, of the Small farm of Yellow Prick-Wood, Lobato Hunter? landmark of infanto-youthful literature.). However, it goes to happen an overturn in literary history in the year of 1975, since in this year it starts to be perceived a infanto-youthful literature, to be worried and to be compromised to a more realistic representation, ' ' but that nor therefore it left of being prejudiced discriminatory and/or racista' '. (SOUSA, 2005a). Concern, this, that comes if reiterating in the classrooms, therefore, as it affirms Sousa (2005b), has not an identification on the part of the black children with history, them is not identified. Sousa (2005b) makes mention to this problematic one using the following phrase: ' ' … is only possible individual to keep its auto-identification as person of importance in the way that confirms this identity (Berger, 1993)' '. as still the incursions for the history of Africa are shy, are impracticable it child to keep an auto-identification with what it he seems strange, it arrive pejorativo at the eyes and ears, and these are the canals that result in the construction or not of an identity. It is Sousa (2005b, P. 114) who remembers in them that ' ' the instruments legislators as family, school and medias tend to disqualify the attributes of the segments ethnic-racial black ' ' e, therefore many of the pupils afro-descents develop auto-esteem acentuadamente low, as already it occurred, for example, with a pupil for which lecionei.

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