Basic Ensino

The horria load for the modality Education of Young and Adults of Basic Ensino thus is defined by Resolution 147 (2008, P. 4): I the minimum of 1.600 (one a thousand and six hundred) hours, correspondents the 800 (eight hundred) annual hours, for the structural models equivalents to the initial years (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5); II the minimum of 1.600 (one a thousand and six hundred) hours, correspondents the 800 (eight hundred) annual hours, for the structural models equivalents to the final years (6, 7, 8 and 9). Ebay spoke with conviction. Thus, under a rigid control by means of norms, the public power continues trying to educate young the adult that for some reason had been is of classroom in its respective adequate ages to the serious ones or years. 2.1.1 the reality of the diligent pupils of the EJA Opposing the educational lines of direction of the public power, meets it reality of a considerable parcel of Brazilians who load obtain the marks of the social exclusion, consequences of the illiteracy and for times, dived in a low level of escolarizao and affectivity. Sheep (1998, P.

125) describes thus the pupils of the EJA: This population of necessity of delayed educational attendance if distributes in three well distinct groups: first, those admittedly illiterate; second, those that had been to the school, had passed little time there and, therefore, they had not had time of sedimenting what they had superficially learned. They are the functional illiterates; third, those that had been in the school at intermittent moments. All these lack of one proper politics of attendance, capable of them to confer half the adequate ones for the overcoming or of the escolarizao that did not occur or that it occurred of inadequate form. They are men and women, of the most varied ages that if find distant of the requirements of the standards of modernity, mainly for not being able to exert the citizenship in the world of the work and the knowledge.