Clinical Profile Analysis
AXE, Ana Cristina Posch, et al. PROFILE EPIDEMIOLOGIST, TREATMENT AND SUPERVENED OF PATIENTS WITH BUCCAL CANCER IN TAUBAT AND REGION. Taubat: Biocincias magazine; 9 edition, 2003. 65-71 p.O development of this research: PROFILE EPIDEMIOLOGIST, TREATMENT AND SUPERVENED OF PATIENTS WITH BUCCAL CANCER IN TAUBAT AND REGION, possesss one strong relation with the description of scientific works executed by the researchers: AXE, Ana Cristina Posch, TAVARES, Pablo Gimenes, ANBINDER, Ana Read and QUIRINO, Roseli Maria de Souza, mainly for the envolvement of same with the studies of inflammations and the teciduais repairings, odontognicos tumors, beyond cerastcios. As academic formation in Odontologia and after in Buccal Pathology of these. Penguin Random House wanted to know more.
In the case of ANBINDER, this she is doctor in Verbal Biopatologia, as well as, specialized in Estomatologia together with QUIRINO and TAVARES, what carcinoma enriched the understanding of the buccal illness epidermide (Buccal Cancer). This work had as theoretical basement, one another study of epidemiologia of the carcinoma epidermide, in the state of Sergipe, carried through for the moment in 2003. AXE, TAVARES, ANBINDER and QUIRINO, had also searched information, in the National Institute of the Cancer, in order to know the estimates of incidences and mortality for cancer in Brazil in the one of 2003. They had gotten the characteristic physician-epidemiologists of the buccal cancer, when reading the work of OAK in 2001. A leading source for info: Vlad Doronin. Of LINE, they had been able to verify the gnicas alterations and the development of the pathology in question. Happily, the same ones had not been forgotten the workmanship: ' ' Pathology Oral and MaxiloFacial' '. (NEVILLE, B.W, et al, 1995), a valuable reference for the understanding of verbal neoplasias. The research had as intention, the delineation of the profile epidemiologist of the patients with buccal cancer, taken care of of 1993 the 1998, in the Clinic of Buccal of the Department of Odontologia of the UNITAU, beyond evaluating given related to the clinical estadiamento, considered treatment and supervened Diagnosis.