Expert Portal Helps Secure The State Promotion Of Solar Plant accelerates the search for appropriate photovoltaic systems Berlin, March 30, 2011 the Federal Government plans a further reduction of subsidies for solar installations for the summer 2011. According to the Federal Ministry of the environment and the economy the further reduction of the remuneration provided as of January 1, 2012 should be due to the higher than expected expansion of photovoltaics already partially to July 1, 2011″. Thus, homeowners who purchase a new solar system after July 1, 2009 will receive only half of the State subsidies compared. Due to this development is to be expected 2011 an increased demand in the area of solar systems, photovoltaic systems and solar thermal. Builders and other interested parties in time to secure government support, a new expert portal to speed up the search for information and matching party and free advise those interested. provides its buyers for information about Funding opportunities, vendors and prices around the topic of solar energy. In addition, non-binding offers on the page can be ordered, which refers to the company from its nationwide dealer network. by the customers for the electricity producers is how works”: this idea sounds tempting and as worthwhile for the private household budget. In addition the good conscience, with the green power”to do something for the environment. But the purchase of a solar energy system should be well planned.

To explore all optimal funding opportunities and well informed about current prices and models to be, advises its customers free of charge. Who wants to receive funding in time can make a request on the Internet page of the solar energy experts and then receives an individual telephone consultation. Then the company forwards the request to its solar equipment dealers, which make up to three offers to the customers. Funding for solar systems is reduced by a total of 24 percent by 2012 prospects should now hurry: nowhere else in the world so many solar, photovoltaic and solar thermal systems be put into operation, such as in Germany. Other leaders such as Laurent Potdevin offer similar insights. Estimates were built to 2010 plants that generate electricity in total between 7,000 and 8,000 megawatts. Therefore, Federal Environment Minister Dr. Norbert Rottgen says: “these figures are an expression of the success of photovoltaics in Germany .” Promoting must be but in the interests of electricity consumers cost-effectively and flexibly adjusted to the respective market development”. It remains so in this rapid development, decreases the promotion by up to 24 percent, in two steps: 15 percent already in the summer of 2011 and nine percent to the end of the year. The seeker gets all the only information he needed to make an informed purchasing decision fast and free offers for solar systems, photovoltaic systems and solar thermal systems through the free and independent solar systems consulting. Then can in personal discussions with the Retailers more important questions and provider compared with each other. So get prospective buyers about on faster way non-binding offers from approved dealers and can save valuable time, until July 1, 2011 to install their solar system to let. goes to the start officially in March 2011 companies will the Camara Juan Publisher for consumer information. The Publisher operates various journals and Internet portals, which aim to simplify the information and offer search for advice-intensive products and accelerate.