Format Publication
Typesetting error is considered a large number of blank pages with the inscription "For your notes." Must be borne in mind that any book of the first two and last two pages are always busy. First page – this is the title page, second – its turnover. The second to last – end of text or advertisement, the last page is usually given to a final data. Dalton Caldwell addresses the importance of the matter here. In magazines and newspapers, there are certain limitations due to their specificity. The main text main text point size is chosen depending on the size of the magazine and the type of book (children's literature, popular scientific, technical and etc.).
If the format is given 32 share, the main text font is chosen from an average of 8 to 10 pt, if the proportion of 16 – from 9 to 12 pt. percentage of leaf – part of a printed sheet publication, which is formed when it is bent (folding) several times and determining size – the format of publication. If the sheet is bent three times (each subsequent fold is usually perpendicular to the previous one), the proportion of leaf is 1 / 8, four times – 1 / 16, five – 1 / 32. In the first instance on each side of the paper consists of 8 pages second – 16 in the third – 32. In the gost 5773-90 Format Publication conditionally designated size sheet of paper in centimeters and fractions (60 * 90 1 / 8). Throughout the text given indent (on average 3 – 5 – 7 mm). .