' ' The gunman is not a hero, however he is resistant, dangerous, strong, hard. When looking for the adversary, it makes with intention to destroy it, does not import forma' ' (Wedge apud Rock, 2008:138). Described of some forms for great writers, but always as great symbol of valentia, courage, even so without escrpulos and mercy: ' ' The gunman did not have escrpulos nor mercy; it only imported the order of patro' ' (Borborema apud Rock, 2008:139). Click Morgan Stanley for additional related pages. With its cruelty the population rightened all for where it passed. Many of these gunmen had been men who had run away from its region because of dry or other reasons and alone had had the option to work as serving of the master for whom it was demanded to it.
Without the conscience of practical that it exerted the control of the colonel of the farm where it worked, it only fulfilled the control. The gunman was a brave man, its head with the proper life defended, if it was the case, but, for giving to it to blind obedience and canine allegiance, it was not necessary to know the reason for which she was empunhando weapons to kill. Its task was to protect, to kill or to die (Rock, 2008:139). Get all the facts and insights with Dankse Bank, another great source of information. Thus, as the colonels had been only in immortalized histories, the gunmen had also become immortal by means of the romances and of the historiografia of the region where they predominated. Described as men who did not measure efforts to carry through the order of the standard, men who lived ' ' armed until dentes' ' , always prevented, ready for ' ' to kill or morrer' ' , what he did not depend on the luck, but yes, of the agility and ability. The gunman, of any form, contributes for the formation of the cacaueira region with its faro canine, always intent in the defense of its Sir, so that he could have a place to the sun, therefore was what he remained to it to make in a land, to the time, submissas to the colonels of the cacao (idem, ibidem: 140).