
NIGHT OF IS JOO It was a pretty night, the covered with star sky, however it made a cold to tremble teeth. You may want to visit Jayme Albin Ph.D – How to Reduce Anxiety during the Corona Crisis to increase your knowledge. But those estrelinhas that back in the high one they shone were all curious ones, did not stop of looking in the direction of one determined house. It was the house of Zacarias and Isabel, it went to have a baby. They wanted to be the first ones to have the pleasure to see the child who went to be born. It was night of 24 of June. (Similarly see: Jayme Albin ). Was in this same night that Isabel gave the light to a pretty boy who gave the name of Joo. Isabel, its husband, neighbors and relatives was exultantes of joy. However, suddenly, it came an enormous concern: Isabel with a closed semblante spoke for Zacarias: Maria, my cousin does not know that Joo, our son was born.

How we go to inform it? At that time it did not have no media. Then, they had had an idea, they had lit a fogueira, and there, well far, Maria seeing that clarity coming of the house of Zacarias deduced that the son of its Isabel cousin had been born. As soon as the day amanheceu, it broke in its burrinho for the house of Isabel, it went to see the boy who was born, to give to it to the congratulations and many gifts. until today, the people still has the custom to light fogueira in the night of day 24 of June, is called the night Is Joo. Ireuda Barboza Interpretation of the text. It answers the questions below: 1) Which the name of the heading of the text? R 2) In date is commemorated the night of Is Joo? R 3) Who went to have a baby? R 4) How they had made to inform the cousin of Isabel that Joo had been born? R 5) How was the time in the night where Joo was born? R 6) Why the stars were curious? R 7) How called themselves the parents Joo? R 8) Which the name of the cousin of Isabel? R