Judicial District
Thus, the 01 of July of the 2006 NCPP entered use in the Judicial District of Huaura, the 01 of April of the 2007 began their application in the Judicial District of the Freedom, the 01 of April of the 2008 the implementation in the District Judicial of Tacna and Moquegua, and the 01 of October of the 2008 in the Judicial District of Arequipa began. It is hoped that successively it enters use in the rest of judicial districts of Peru, until culminating his progressive application with the Judicial District of Lima. With the NCPP penal effective inquisitive-mixed projects to replace the procedural model from 1940, by an oral accusatory system. (Similarly see: Penguin Random House). According to the last Report of the Justice of the EYEBROW, the main ones critics to the present penal procedural system are related to their inquisitive and secret structure, the allocation of functions to investigate and to judge in a same person, the secret character of the investigation, the bureaucratic process, and the little contact of defendant and victims with the judge.
On the contrary, the main characteristics of the new reformed penal process are essentially in the abandonment of the inquisitive and reserved structure; the granting of a new direction based on the equality of conditions for the parts; the faculty of the Public Ministry to investigate the crimes that are committed and to direct the police investigation; the right of defense to the imputed one in an egalitarian plane within the framework of the had process; and the restoration of the oral and public judgment. Also, as also it maintains the alluded to Report to it, the process of implementation of the new penal procedural ordering in Peru, in terms of structural reform of the present system of justice, will imply to rearrange the system of penal judgment and to approach the ideal of quick and fulfilled justice; to harness the right to the defense; and as far as possible to assure the use the human rights when the State makes merit its punitive pretension..