
At this first moment we will not have a literature directed toward the children, it only goes to be confectioned in Brazil in the end of century XIX and beginning of the XX. But the presence of the personages alone will go to happen in the end of 1920 and beginning of 1930. However, the representations always were atreladas the subordinate conditions (house servant, as the famous Aunt Anastcia, of the Small farm of Yellow Prick-Wood, Lobato Hunter? landmark of infanto-youthful literature.). However, it goes to happen an overturn in literary history in the year of 1975, since in this year it starts to be perceived a infanto-youthful literature, to be worried and to be compromised to a more realistic representation, ' ' but that nor therefore it left of being prejudiced discriminatory and/or racista' '. (SOUSA, 2005a). Concern, this, that comes if reiterating in the classrooms, therefore, as it affirms Sousa (2005b), has not an identification on the part of the black children with history, them is not identified. Sousa (2005b) makes mention to this problematic one using the following phrase: ' ' …

is only possible individual to keep its auto-identification as person of importance in the way that confirms this identity (Berger, 1993)' '. as still the incursions for the history of Africa are shy, are impracticable it child to keep an auto-identification with what it he seems strange, it arrive pejorativo at the eyes and ears, and these are the canals that result in the construction or not of an identity. It is Sousa (2005b, P. 114) who remembers in them that ' ' the instruments legislators as family, school and medias tend to disqualify the attributes of the segments ethnic-racial black ' ' e, therefore many of the pupils afro-descents develop auto-esteem acentuadamente low, as already it occurred, for example, with a pupil for which lecionei.