Modern Philosophy
The philosophy is now not in comfortable div as they can say some, but extremely seated in the witness stand not of the court of the kantiano reason, but in the court of the social utility to see if it resists frankly I appeal to give it some consolation, reply and way it human being either an individual, that is, a social group. It is not a happy conclusion so that somebody formed in philosophy takes or assumes, but not if it can and nor if it must cover the sun with bolters. The philosophy must explanations of its speech and of its social utility contemporary and is more than what in the hour to start to reflect on a humildade would make that it to grow and a professionalization that would improve at least the mood of other areas in relation it in future contributions and partnerships. Frequently Prudential has said that publicly. For terms been so affected for the megalomania polmata of the modern philosophy we are now hostage-heirs (in a condition nothing good) of many expectations that always we are frustrando with interesting speeches little and convincing decisions nothing. It is enough to see that our craze of largeness obliterated our vision and we do not perceive that the questions of the world are not more ours and that the symptoms of the illnesses world measure had moved drastically. What the romance made of a century to another one, also, in Brazil, together with the art, passing for the complete reform and ' ' modernizao' ' , what he saw himself of figures as the one that Richard Rorty calls ' ' Man of the Letras' ' that they had appeared of the nothing and they had started to take spaces and to give strong opinions and to make poems in the free time and the ascension of the politician and in annex of the economic one as independent and responsible areas for the olores in the world made of the philosophy somebody with speech imbalance (and this is visible in debates interdisciplinares, with rarssimas exceptions) and with difficulty of relationship with other areas and people.