New Zealand
And because of the bright plumage, and, primarily, because of the peculiar beak-hook. To request the parrots' show language of 'no, of course, will not. But he is also their signs: thick, short, at the end of the recess for holding seeds or some kind of brush for those who feed on nectar, like Laurie. Largest and most powerful beak parrot cockatoo though they somehow increase no more than a crow. They have a conspicuous appearance by dashing tuft on his head. A bill, this should be remembered, so that easily bite his finger. The very name 'cockatoo' is derived from the Malay word 'Kakatua' which means 'cutter'.
All parrots even impossible to list, so the story about them, if you noticed, is the principle of 'most'. The most unusual parrot – a parrot Nestor kea, or, living in New Zealand. When immigrants were brought to the island of sheep, kea threw normal life – vegetarianism and switched to meat. Sheep farmers is often seen them on the dead sheep and was credited with parrots passion for killing sheep. And although wine parrots proved was not, they killed tens of thousands. Now they have practically no, and, as often happens now, and it turned out that these parrots are in no way guilty, they are scavengers. Some researchers believe that the kea is still not in alone, and the pack, able to peck the sheep, but only if it is itself 'is breathing its last. " So kea everything else operates and functions of 'techs' and do not deserve destruction and protection.
Especially because they have other habits unusual. Kea live in the snowy mountains and peaceful stroll among the glaciers, not paying attention to the cold or the snow storm. And the children they take is not so, as other parrots. I practiced kea 'polygamy', where it is sense that people in the East: the father takes care of several families of all families. And yet who's 'best-best' in the family of parrots? Fans of these birds probably say that it is – short-tailed gray parrot, or Jaco. Because he the most talkative of the parrot. Jaco can learn more than one hundred words and phrases. The main thing that always amazes 'speeches' parrots – is to interpret and another fact that is so funny for us, and binds to these birds. By myself Parrots have always regarded with anxious affection and reward yourself, 'road', a compliment like: "Good birdie. Ass – a good girl. " And to the owners usually – it is safe and critically. Budgie Kuzya recently invented a new morality to their owners. He was very angry says: 'In the place should be put. " And almost always this observation is valid!