Pizza Scythian
Material provided by "Super Pizza '- Pizza Marino, the role which the Scythians in the VII-VI centuries. BC. Oe. played in the history of the Middle East, has attracted the attention of the Caucasian material not only archaeologists but also historians. BB Piotrowski has repeatedly stressed that, judging by the archaeological material, the Eastern and Western Transcaucasia was associated with a variety of Scythian tribes, but admitted that the Scythians were supposed to penetrate the Caucasus relatively wide. It was also suggested the hypothesis that the monuments reflect the Caucasus stay here a Scythian people, had appeared in the area after the departure of the Scythians from Asia Minor, which is consistent with Leonti Mroveli data. T.
Sulimirsky imagined that the Scythians were to appear in areas of modern Azerbaijan as far back as X-IX centuries. BC. Oe. Perhaps more explicit about the presence in the Caucasus itself Scythian population expressed by historians, based in particular on these place names of the ancient Caucasus. Most researchers recognize the existence of the Scythian kingdom in Asia Minor, localize it in the south-eastern Transcaucasia, between the rivers Kura and Araks.
Dzansky cemetery. Of the fourteen graves excavated two graves cemetery Dzanskogo contained Scythian akinak, arrows, and iron axes. In one tomb were also accompanying partial burial of a horse with an iron bridle. As already noted, the grave contained the Scythian elements are clearly distinguished from the other tombs of the necropolis. The cemetery dates back to VII-VI centuries. BC. Oe.