The Love has that to always prevail and on behalf of it, we cannot Be Free, will have rancor, resentment, vainglory, etc. Must take care, as Dom says well Enrique in one of its messages: ' ' Care not to ask for to Virtues the God, we have that to look the PROPER DEUS' ' All more will be given by addition. more: Jesus never was on of the Wall. With Love, Mercy and ANGER, jumped, for diverse times, the Club. Whip in the Temple and ' ' AIS' '? It arrives my Brothers, of superficiality, cheap philosophy, cretina sociology, that with words candies, veem covardemente buying the MIND and the HEART of the people. I attended, in day 07/09/11, Program between quotations marks, that was lead by a presenter, who are not the bearer, call Ricardo Lessa. ' ' TEMA' ' of the program it was clearly – CORRUPTION – and the guests were Mr. (+ of 60 years – but discerning, very well falante) that he was the responsible one for ong. life, justice and peace; (more or less this) as, she was the president of joins, young youngster, clearly without calluses in the brain. SUBJECT – CORRUPTION – the presenter alone fz two questions: What vcs finds of the absolution of the son of the Roriz and the absence of ongs and of joins in the manifestations of 07/09/11 day – day of the Dependncia of Brazil? The citizen most aged, who must have been and still playboy of the old fashion is one, and alone to look at its appearance, even so very intelligent, at least to deceive obtained me in this aspect, spoke of Everything and she did not answer nothing of it had been asked – there also she is clearly that it WAS NOT Mule to oppose To they support whom it. The president of joins, trying to be likeable, started to answer that if she was not there, would be in the Pacaembu seeing its corintias to play and that Brazil has advanced, as the question of the fiche-clean one, (that she was not implanted and as if had been initiative of them) and that the supreme court gave to a gigantic step for the consolidation of the democracy when approving the marriage homosexual. This young, my dear, without leaving this chair, I can AFFIRM that also it is bought and its familiar parents or, they are people of the high step of the governments, and nor needs thus to be so high, that also they support and they recommend what it goes to say in public. Everything this is very sad! A Great Humbug. They do not believe me: the program must be repreisado and them they say that it is in: quotations marks – I find that it is this. obs: how not to get infuriated themselves, to jump of the wall, to irar themselves? obs; how many years more we need for this famous democracy if to consolidate? .
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Tag: [** London
Obelix, when he was baby fell inside will caldero of it of magical portion, thus acquiring a sobrehumana force. That figure that finishes to see, must have fallen some times inside of it will caldero when baby. Looking at it now it was impossible to imagine that some day it except a simple and innocent baby. After a certain stopped time, knowing if it did not capsize and it left running or if it said something, hears it to it crying out some thing for detrs of flares, with the red face all which had to the heat of the stove, but it does not obtain to understand right and another one chef perceiving its diculdade, shows to it where it would have to work, pointing two tanks, its left that were well in the exit of the kitchen. But it was only obtained to see part of the two taps, therefore the tanks already were full of pans, vazilhas and trays of all types sizes spread for the soil. Thousand of plates and places setting. It soon clothes exchange and starts its fight. The tank, as it could notice almost in all London reutaurantes gave in the height of its thighs. Not because it was high, but all the tanks of kitchen had this height standard, what it finished with column of any one, for having that obligatorily to bend over itself to make the service. Another peculiariadade was the taps. One with escaldante hot water, the point of it to pull out the skin and to other, always moved away laterally, with frozen water the ten negative degrees, that was impossible to work separately with them, but it had to choose which would prefer, generally it alternated. It started in the hot one and later it went for the cold and vice it turns. (not wise person because in London hot and cold water never they joined themselves).
View Article...Tag: [** Human Development
Good part of ribeirense population lives in next economic conditions the poverty. The illiteracy tax is sufficiently significant what it places the city with one of the lowest IDH (Index of Human Development) of Brazil. As for the population contingent, in middle of the decade of 50, the IBGE, the population of 450 inhabitants for Brook of the Plaza registered. Already in 1996, after the emancipation, presented a population contingent of 13.786 inhabitants, having grown to a tax of 0,76 AA., in its first tax period 1991/1996. Currently, it is an eminently agricultural city, with only 25% of its population living in the municipal headquarters and the district of New Brasilia. Em1996, demographic adensidade of the city is of 11hab/km, given still inferior to the state and regional standards. However, it is considered of great contribution for the growth of the tax of urbanization to the coming of people of other cities, these the search of new jobs is for the harvest of public coffee in the farms of the region, competitions, rendering of services ou/e job contracts. The etria structure of the population of the city presented a profile of a young population which had the biggest relative weight of the band de0 a19 years. As for the distribution of the population for sex, the demographic data of 2009 identified by the IBGE indicate a sensible predominance of the men in the city: 54.77%. However, it had a fall of the number of inhabitants, in accordance with the demographic census of 2010, Brook of the Plaza is a population of with 8.602 inhabitants in a territorial area (km ) of 1.271, 344 with demographic density (hab/Km ) 6,77. () Given of 1991 they show that 95.54% of the PEA of the city if concentrated in on activities to the farming one, to the vegetal extension and to it fishes.
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