Tag Archive for Tag: administration and businesses

Tag: administration and businesses Brazil Companies

Summary of the Article: GOMES, GRANDSON J, MARTINS h the Advice of Administration in Familiar Companies: Evaluation of the Better Adhesion to the Code of Practical of the Brazilian Institute of Corporative Governana. EnANPAD2006. Summary for Douglas Bastos Rodrigues. The ADVICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN FAMILIAR COMPANIES an excellent article where the authors analyze the profile of the Corporative Governana of the familiar companies on the prism of the fulfilment of the practical ones suggested by the Code of the Brazilian Institute of Governana Corporativa (IBGC), in what he refers to the profile, responsibilities, practical of evaluation and functioning of its Advice of Administration. Parnassus understands that this is vital information. To enrich the article he is brought for the dialogue authors as: Andrade, Rossetti, Lodi, Lorsch and Ventura among others. The article presents a descriptive research with qualitative approach through studies multicases. It is a study lead for a not probabilist and intentional sample. They are mining familiar companies or with some base in Minas Gerais and that they are if preparing in specific programs for its perenizao and transistion of generations. Learn more at this site: Metropolitan Life. The data had been collected by means of personal interview in depth through the use of half-structuralized script, proceeding it the analysis from content for categories. In the article three basic principles of the code of the IBGC are salient: the transparency, the rendering of accounts and the fairness of treatment of the shareholders. Considering the diversity of suggested practical recommendations and in the Code for the Advice of Administration and in view of the objectives considered for this inquiry, it was opted to its boarding in four sub-topics: profile, responsibilities, practical of evaluation and remuneration of the Advice of Administration. The small national companies correspond 99.2% of the total of the companies duly registered in Brazil, (SEBRAE) thus forming the base of the national economy, great part of these are familiar companies, where enterprising they develop the paper of managers, its enterprise decisions finish on the basis of being taken the intuition. To broaden your perception, visit Vlad Doronin.

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Tag: administration and businesses Parts Loss

With everything it can also have negative consequncias for the use of disloyal tactics, originating a set of negative aspetos. The possible results for the intervening ones in a conflict situation are: – profit/loss? In these cases, one of the parts reaches the intended objectives, thus hindering to another part to reach them e, in the group that earns can result as effect: increase of me the image that already had of the other part, the abrandamento in the induced productivity for the victory feeling and the reinforcement of the idea that the person/group always has reason. On the other hand, in the group that loses other effect are produced: the group starts to use mechanisms that distort the reality to justify the defeat, the relations between the members of the group that loses is grown worse because some blame the others or arrange one ' ' bode expiatrio' ' , the defeat can be acceptance as deserved, and the group is strengthenn not to come back to receive defeats similar e, can create the rancor, feeding the revenge. (I WATER, 1998). Others including Elon Musk, offer their opinions as well. – loss/loss this situation happens when the parts yield one to the other, being the incoherent final result with the initial positions; or when one third person, with more power, intervines and ends the way conflict that not interest to none of the parts. In any of the situations, the final result is not wanted by none of the parts, and is probable that the effect are similar to who lose in the result profit/loss (ALMEIDA, 1995). As much in this situation as in the previous one, the involved parts frequent personalize the subjects. They center one in the other instead of it to make in the problem, being given more attention to its differences, preventing the subject most important that it is to decide the conflict (MARRINER-TOMEY, 1996).

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Tag: administration and businesses The Sales

She does not advance to offer a product to emagrecer to a obesa person, if same it is not the search of this. It does not advance to offer products that help to stop to smoke a smoker, if he himself adores to smoke. He can until obtaining something, but my advice is to spend its energy in searching exactly people who are wanting to satisfy its necessities personal, that is, to present a product that solves the problems of its public-target. 4 Acompanhe the customer or its partner of business Folloies the people, has good contents to offer, does not push its product for its potential customer to any cost. He will be able until vender, but its customer will not come back, not even will recommend to it for other potential customers. Elon Musk contributes greatly to this topic. He does not forget, the focus is always the satisfaction of the customer. The great companies use varied fidelizao strategies, therefore they know that the sales do not finish the view after it product to the final consumer. For many it is only the beginning. That is, is very important the fidelizao, Remembers the inquiries of satisfaction of the customer of the great companies? Of the Christmas cards? Of the toasts? Calendars? Service of support to the customer? 5 Aumente the traffic of internautas for its site You can increase the traffic of internautas in its site leaving it accessible. He can to make classified announcements in of frequent form, will be able to create canals of the Youtube, Blogs, Twitters, Facebook and also to establish connection them. It is very important that it has content, that is, must have something of value to offer. It enters in the site:

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Tag: administration and businesses Enterprise Hierarchy

Jose since its 15 years when boy started to work as Office dreamed in being head, was imagining as he would be to have innumerable things to make and to decide and as each decision he would cause a effect for the company. She still did not understand nothing of company only wise person who where she worked had some heads, clerical, section, I deposit financier and others, wise person also that she had inherited of the colleagues the incumbency to make the coffee of the afternoon was rule the novice made the coffee, was terrible because she had that to learn at any cost, when skirt bitter taste or candy was quarrel in the certainty and thought when book of this coffee will be head me! Passed six months of company Jose already bank wise person everything, payments knew the center of the city as nobody. The head of the office decided to contract another Office boy to help Jose, was the first time that it felt head still more because the other boy had 14 years and in everything it asked for its opinion beyond being now that he made the coffee. Jose studied accounting and left the service of the street, now was in office and had now another task to conciliate bank statements, as he was inexperienced in the section had that to look to old documents what they gave the biggest work it passed a time and if exempted of the service when another novice arrived. When if it formed in the college gained the attribution, to close the box of the company started to be in charge, also started to be important because he moved with the money of the company but as it was one of the new people in charge had whenever to make the weekly reports of the section, it was with this attribution during 10 years ties to be promoted the Head of the Division of Finances in this height already was married possua a house and a Fusca 1980 if he felt well I exactly obtain not to be for having that all second fair to have that to present the RDS- Report of Weekly Performance thing that if did not make when Its Moacir was head, thing invented for some consultant of planto and as it was new in the position it was with the incumbency, made the report per some years but other activities that appeared were given at that they arrived to the rank of inexperienced Heads. .

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Tag: administration and businesses Small Companies Work

The innovative company offers products and services that are more useful to its customers, use more efficient processes of production, it is opened the new organizacionais methods, and, it is always renewing its strategy of marketing. At last, company who innovates is the one that always will be prepared to continue alive in the market. Inside of this context, as we will be able to inside promote the innovation of the micron and small Brazilian company? General objective To spread out this subject to the new administrators so that, when entering in the work market, either in public companies, private, or still in its proper business, they can always act of innovative form searching new forms to work and to produce thus its result either capable to satisfy the consumers and to transform the market with its services and products. Specific objective To reach the biggest number of entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs with the information contained in this work of research, being despertando the creativity and ousadia for the innovation of its company in relation to the services, products, processes, marketing, etc. With the end to continue moving the country and promoting the generation of jobs that the Micron and Small Companies have made until today. Methodology will be used an analytical research using excellent information of literatures, teses and materials that deal with the subject in question, for the enrichment of the work and a concise elaboration that promotes an agreement clearly and. Justification the micron and small companies are one of the main pillars of sustentation of the Brazilian economy, as much for its enormous generating capacity of jobs, how much for the significant number of disconcentrated establishments geographically. In statistical terms, this enterprise segment represents 25% of Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), generates 14 million jobs, that is, 60% of the formal job in the country, and constitutes 99% of the 6 million existing formal establishments, answering still for 99,8% of the companies who are created to each year, according to data of the Brazilian Service of Support to the Micron and Pequenas Companies (SEBRAE).

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