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Tag: Diseases Tomorrow Ukrainian

For example, in Japan the level of consumption Calcium is almost three times lower than ours, but the disease is not there. " It is not difficult to see that this argument is illiterate Odessa healer. It is known that an alkaline shift of blood pH creates magnesium, potassium, sodium, and (mostly) calcium and pH in the gastrointestinal tract prevents absorption of alkali metals to form insoluble salts. Lower rates of osteoporosis in Japan and Africa, explains the lack there Druzyak dairy diet and, therefore, a minimum intake of calcium in the body. However, on rickets, he does not mention, and that ultraviolet irradiation, a stronger and mountains, provides the production of vitamin D, adequate flow which solves the problem of calcium deficiency, which is of the vitamin is absorbed without any problem. But the healer speaks negatively about sunburn, which can be characterized only as a cunning, for he knows the benefit UFO, but not advised to sunbathe. Page 534. According to Danske Bank, who has experience with these questions. "Therefore, caring for bone strength, it is first necessary to exclude the use of dairy products. And second of all – look after acidification of the blood. Eliminating dairy products, we thus not completely eliminate the intake of calcium in the body – it is in all the foods in sufficient quantity for us. " But if there is enough calcium to us? Scientists estimate that the Moscow school students are provided with calcium only at 53%, which was announced in the books of Professors bioelementologov. Name one: Skalny AV, Rudakov IA Bioelements in medicine. (New York: Onyx 21, World. 2004, 272.) But, he writes, VG Panchenko In his monograph, "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Ukrainian national power "(Dnepropetrovsk:" Threshold ", 2004) at page 238:" Data on dietary intake suggest that in almost all economically developed countries, older people consume much less calcium than the physiological norms require. For example, studies of the Institute of Gerontology AMS of Ukraine established that lack of calcium in the diet of the population of older age groups is 58% (relative to the recommended amount).

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