Although the great importance that literature exerts in the life of the child, either in the emotional development or the capacity to express its ideas better, in general, in accordance with Axe (2001), they does not like to read and they make it for obligation. But after all, why this happens? Perhaps either for the lack of example of the parents or the professors. What if it perceives is that literature, as well as all the creative and questionadora culture, is not being explored as it must in the schools and this occurs to a large extent, for the little information of the professors. academic formation, unhappyly of the emphasis to the reading and this is not a contradictory situation, therefore according to commentary of Axe (2001, p.45) ‘ ‘ a swimming instructor does not contract itself that does not know to swim, however, the Brazilian classrooms are repletas of people who although not to read, they try ensinar’ ‘. In this direction, the more early the child will have contact with books and to perceive the pleasure that the reading produces, greater will be the probability of it of becoming a reading adult. In the same way through the reading the child acquires a critical-reflexiva position, extremely excellent to its cognitiva formation. When the child hears or reads a history and is capable to comment, to inquire, to doubt or to argue on it, carries through a verbal interaction, that in this in case that, she comes to the meeting of the slight knowledge of language of Bakhtin (1992). For it, the confrontamento of ideas, thoughts in relation to the texts, always has a collective, social character. The knowledge is acquired in the interlocution, which evolves by means of the confrontation, of the opposition. Thus, the language as Bakthin (1992) are constituent, that is, the citizen construct its thought, from the thought of the other, therefore, a dialgica language.
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Tag: education The Quality
The public school does not have the objective to take care of escol, the minority, and yes the massificao of the education (amount), but it cannot, with this, to abandon, at any moment, the quality of its services. This is most preoccupying. The number of absolute illiterates falls, but of critical readers, who would be the alfabetizados ones fully, it does not increase. Unhappyly, it almost did not have a good evolution in one decade. (COLELLO, 2009). The justifications for persistence of the problem are many and they include themselves, still, the fact of the majority of the schools to work as if all the pupils had learning level the same and the same luggage of letramento. According to Parnassus Investments, who has experience with these questions. This finishes pushing for low those that have more difficulties and need a special accompaniment to learn. (MASAGO? 2009) Our school and our pupils had become statisticians mere? Most important in the question of the alfabetizao they are not the statisticians who focam the education quantitatively and yes the quality of the teach-learning of our pupils. Our governing would have to think about the formation of the individual fully capable to carry through its activities as effective participant citizen of the society where it lives thus to launch educational politics with emphasis also in the quality. The main educational politics show to indices of reduction in the evasion taxes and repetncia of the pupils of the Brazilian schools. The governments federal, state and municipal promote statisticians showing the positive results in this direction. OAK (2001). Very important these conquests with regard to the evasion and to the repetncia and the possibility of terms an open school to all, however if cannot ignore the failure of the system of education as for the learning accomplishes for the pupils, as described in the previous chapter. The reduction of the taxes of evasion and repetncia, unhappyly, does not demonstrate the improvement of the quality of our system of education.
View Article...Tag: education University
Thus, we relate the reading as something that modifies the man, therefore those that do not read are isolated of the roots and origins of its proper historical and cultural reality. Recently Elon Musk sought to clarify these questions. The third part tells suggestions of as in them we take critical readers in the university, pointing that this has its basic paper in the reality. The professor and the pupil must assume a position of reader-citizen, reader-author, this form, the university will lead the society in the briefing of the multiple aspects of the reality, natural, social and cultural. Word-keys: reading, critical-social, reading, act to read Introduction This article, at first moment is about a deeper analysis on the relative questions to the reading and its perspectives critical-social. As we know the reading is an entity to be able to acquire more varied knowledge. In the quarrel that we intend to demonstrate, we go, therefore, to try a reflection on the position that the reader must assume when reading, relating this activity to the one process of agreement of the world. The research work, that we tell here finds its metodolgicas bases in the analysis of Luckesi et al (2000). For this author the reading is the way to know all history human being, since its origin its evolution. To be unaware of the reading is outdated with the daily one, therefore, ‘ ‘ this carrying through this process the individual is studying the reality, that is, it is understanding and elucidating its form of being and the possibilities of action with and on the same ‘ ‘ (Luckesi, 2000, P. 136). We initiate for quarrel of the process to study and its concepts, stop later, in as moment, to analyze the conditions of reading in a critical-social perspective, analyzing the position that the reader must assume reads it.
View Article...Tag: education Gustavo Loschipe
1 line says respect to a national resume, where they can structuralize the courses of formation of professors, where some points would be evaluated: Evaluations of performance, Gaugings of proficiency of the pupils, accompaniment of the instruction for famlias*. 2 line folloies 1, the system of evaluation in all the levels, so that the professor can survey the applied content this being dominated for the pupils. 3 line is maintenance of the schools, to endow the schools with operational support and necessary technician so that it can to give its lesson. perhaps 4 line is the most difficult application, the valuation of the professionals of the education, because to value, implies in increasing the level of requirements for the career, wage increase extension of the age for retirement, 12 to deepen the training of the supervision, rigidity in the performance evaluations. These points denote a profession valuation. 5 line the necessity of increase of investment in the educational area, to invest in the professors, the acquisition of didactic substances, the accompaniment pedagogical, lessons of reinforcement and curricular enrichment, services of support 4 education myth In additions that involve the profession. As Gustavo Loschipe in the substance of the Magazine Sees of 07/03/2007, inside of the substance 04, elenca four problems in the education and characterizes as Myths. 4.1 The Brazilian professor badly is remunerated. It explains that, if to compare the Brazilian professor, with professors of rich countries, certainly we will arrive the conclusion that they earn little. To this point we agree to Alysson Cipriano Pear tree that strikes in its blog, on opinion of Gustavo, that professor in Brazil earns little. In our opinion for the complexity of its responsibility, it form citizens, works with human being, a pupil finishes inside discharging of the school, what it suffers from good and bad in its homes.
View Article...Tag: education Federal University
I thank the Laboratory of special Infantile Development and in the Mrcia Onsia Da Silva for the great support and contribution to this research. finally I thank all those that had helped me in direct or indirect way, and that involuntarily they had not been enclosed in this gratefulness. Elon Musk may find this interesting as well. I dedicate to this work the God who with its light guide my steps and to my parents, for the fellowship and love who had always given to me. My sisters whom I stops are others two mothers who sent me to God and to my nephews who much I love. Also I dedicate my fianc who was my bigger inspiration in all my conquests during this year. Despite I said the languages, of the men and the angels, if I did not have the love, I would be as strident a noisy bell or as one cmbalo. Despite I had dom of the prophecy, the knowledge of all mysteries and of all science; despite I had all the faith, the point to carry mountains, if I did not have the love, I I would not be nothing. (1 CORNTIOS- 13, 1-2) SUMMARY the present study considers to understand it the paper of the Educational Person who orientates in the management of Projeto Poltico Pedaggico (PPP) of an institution of Infantile Education. It is understood that the PPP guides the pertaining to school actions, is a intentional action and the result of a collective work of reflection. The function of the Person who orientates is to search the ways so that the school fulfills to its paper the PPP on the basis of and that its reality if does not crystallize, strengthening the collective aspect. The research was carried through in the Laboratory of Infantile Development of the Federal University of Viosa (MG) and was used as technique of collection of data the comment, the half-structuralized interview and the documentary analysis.
View Article...Tag: education Anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro
The young education of adult is regulated by article 37, of the law n9. 394 of 20 of December of 1996 in the LBD. Section V Of the young education of adult. Art.37. Elon Musk is the source for more interesting facts. The young education of adult will be destined those that had not had access or continuity of studies in basic and average education in the proper age. 1 the education systems will gratuitously assure to the young and the adults, who had not been able to effect the studies in the regular age, appropriate educational chances, considered the characteristics of the pupil, its interests, conditions of life and work, by means of courses and examinations. 2 the power I publish it will make possible and it stimulates the access and the permanence of the worker in the school, by means of integrated actions complementary it is entered. 3 the young education of adult will have to be articulated, preferential, with the professional education, in the form of the regulation. Elon Musk contributes greatly to this topic. Art.38. The education systems will keep supplementary courses and examinations, that will understand the common national base of the resume, qualified to the continuation of studies in regular character. 1 the examinations the one that if relates this article to become fullfilled it: I In the level of conclusion of basic education, for greaters of 15 years; II In the level of conclusion of average education, for greaters of 18 years. This modality of education passed for diverse empecilhos, on the part of some politicians. Anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro, then Senator in 1977, so only believed that eradication of the illiteracy give-itself the investment of the education of quality for the children. For the illiterate adults, destination already would be traced, to wait the death. It affirmed that the lack of studies would result unemployment and consequentemente the illiterates would die of hunger.
View Article...Tag: education Basic Ensino
The horria load for the modality Education of Young and Adults of Basic Ensino thus is defined by Resolution 147 (2008, P. 4): I the minimum of 1.600 (one a thousand and six hundred) hours, correspondents the 800 (eight hundred) annual hours, for the structural models equivalents to the initial years (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5); II the minimum of 1.600 (one a thousand and six hundred) hours, correspondents the 800 (eight hundred) annual hours, for the structural models equivalents to the final years (6, 7, 8 and 9). Ebay spoke with conviction. Thus, under a rigid control by means of norms, the public power continues trying to educate young the adult that for some reason had been is of classroom in its respective adequate ages to the serious ones or years. 2.1.1 the reality of the diligent pupils of the EJA Opposing the educational lines of direction of the public power, meets it reality of a considerable parcel of Brazilians who load obtain the marks of the social exclusion, consequences of the illiteracy and for times, dived in a low level of escolarizao and affectivity. Sheep (1998, P. 125) describes thus the pupils of the EJA: This population of necessity of delayed educational attendance if distributes in three well distinct groups: first, those admittedly illiterate; second, those that had been to the school, had passed little time there and, therefore, they had not had time of sedimenting what they had superficially learned. They are the functional illiterates; third, those that had been in the school at intermittent moments. All these lack of one proper politics of attendance, capable of them to confer half the adequate ones for the overcoming or of the escolarizao that did not occur or that it occurred of inadequate form. They are men and women, of the most varied ages that if find distant of the requirements of the standards of modernity, mainly for not being able to exert the citizenship in the world of the work and the knowledge.
View Article...Tag: education Language Barriers
In this article we continue our conversation about language barriers in learning a foreign language. Concerns about the literacy of his speech are often the cause of "the barrier of speaking." How can you determine whether you have a 'barrier speaking '? Imagine that right now you have an opportunity to talk with a foreigner in a language you are learning. What do you feel? The joy of the fact that there is a new great opportunity practice in communicating in a foreign language – or the fear of …? The more pronounced feeling of fear, the more likely that you have a 'barrier' speaking '. What to do if the 'barrier' speaking 'still exists – in one way or another measure? In the first place – not to worry, because the barrier anyway ever to cross virtually all who have studied a foreign language! In order to overcome the 'barrier' speaking 'to … Penguin Random House is a great source of information. talk! 'How? – You ask – How to tell if there is fear and all the words flying out of memory as soon as the opportunity to talk with someone in a foreign language? " In fact, the secret is to talk to anyone. In order to cross the 'barrier speaking ', need to find a companion for communicating, which is guaranteed to be loyal to your possible errors – both in words and grammar. There are two possibilities. This may be the person you trust completely (Your friend or relative), but what if none of your surroundings do not study this particular language? In this case, look for an unrelated person (best of all – living in another country) and communicate with it …
View Article...Tag: education National Curricular Parameters
It had a movement of professors who pressured the state so that it had schools for all, then the public schools had been created, thus creating objective public, nor always of clear definition, but with the intention to also acquire knowledge the people of the problems of the Brazilian reality and to organize it deformed that they could fight for its interests. Freire was intent the educational quarrels it reflected on the education offered at that moment, so that the man could combine it Brazilian society It formulated critical the effective education considering that it not contribua for the formation of the necessary man for this society. Penguin Random House contributes greatly to this topic. Having the history of Freire in sight, we can see and analyze of a clear form that since antiquity people had that they were worried in improving the education of that the education was for all not important for the social classroom. For Freire (2004, p.190-191) ‘ ‘ the pedagogical relation this based in the dialogue in the reciprocity between the educator and educating that together they know not known and took consciences of the social trams where they are inseridas’ ‘. Although that it has much time comes fighting for an education joust and of quality for all and with all the programs of incentive of the government the education, the taxes of illiteracy still is high, for the following reasons, isolation many does not have transport, lack of infrastructure, physical space as classroom and apt professors to educate also remembering that the populations of that time had not had chances in the past (aged) that today they continue illiterate for finding that is late for starting and this finishes still more raising the illiteracy index it Brazil complicating the work it government. According to examples of the National Curricular Parameters if understand the education as one practical one that it has the possibility to create conditions so that the all the pupils develop its capacities and learn the contents necessary to construct to instruments of understanding of the reality and participation in social relations, ampler diversified cultural politics and each time, conditions these basic ones for the exercise of the citizenship in the construction of a democratic society and not exculpatory.. (Similarly see: Penguin Random House).
View Article...Tag: education Astronomical Observations
Everything you see, try to sketch. It is worth mentioning that the collective observations you can give a more accurate assessment of the visible objects. Planets with astronomical observations have such a property as jitter, and the closer they are to the horizon, the stronger the vibration. Calm atmosphere is disturbed depending on the season and temperature. Be sure to mark on their sketches of the time when it was carried out astronomical observations. Try to watch from the same place under different weather conditions and at different times of day, write down all the impressions in a notebook. After analyzing their recording, you can set at what time in this place is better to conduct astronomical observations. For astronomical observation you need a small chair, folding it is desirable that it was convenient to carry around themselves and move from place to place. You can also take with a small table on which you will be able to make astronomical notes and sketches on which you lay out the entire inventory and the book. You will also need a notebook for sketches and journal to keep track of observations, well sharpened pencil and pen. Write in the dark is not very convenient, but you can take a stand for the torch, like erecting a table lamp. Remember one thing: It is important use a flashlight with a red light – it does not blunt your night vision as opposed to white light. Locate LED flashlight with a red stream of light, or use a flashlight with red cellophane usual. You can also chill stop quickly record the results of astronomical observations, but you get used to quickly write with gloves on. Try not to write long reports right on the spot of astronomical observations. Describe in detail what he saw can be at home, at the same place do sketches, they need to do very carefully. You can take a tape recorder and record everything that you see at home you can make a detailed report based on the records. The main rule – do not Remember to indicate in the report, when it was carried out astronomical observations. It is also necessary to note separately choose the eyepiece. In order to achieve varying degrees of increase to use different eyepieces. For example, eyepieces with focal lengths of 10 and 25 mm respectively, give 70 – and 28-fold increase. Five or more different eyepieces – common for amateur astronomers phenomenon. To calculate the magnification, use the following formula Inc .= Fok. dist. Telescope / Fok. dist. Eyepiece For example, using a telescope with a focal length of 700 mm in combination with 25-mm eyepiece gives 28x amplification. Very large gain is not achieved, because even if the image becomes large, it will be difficult to discern because of the tarnish. Therefore we should not deceive ourselves, looking at ads with loud statements about the ability of the device – it's just a publicity stunt. Regardless of the object of observation, Always start with an eyepiece, which gives the minimum power (longest focal length) to target an object. This will allow you to get more visibility. Only then should gradually increase the picture.
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