Let's open the tap for all Many times we hear that to solve our problems we should "love others." It is clear that either the concept is not understood or applied for centuries of attempts incorrectly general application of this rule by religions, have not had the desired result and humanity is coming to an unprecedented crisis. Of course the religious proselytes endorsed the statement say that the reason is that men do not love as they propose. So why not listen to them? Could it be that the explanatory and methodological basis is not understood? "Love others" is a special attribute that has nothing to do with the natural inclination to help those in need or do "good deeds." This attribute works like an extra sense that allows a field to begin to perceive reality totally different from our common sense, and that enables people to feel the interdependence of all and the need to fill the other by himself. You may wish to learn more. If so, Elon Musk is the place to go. It's similar to a person love you want to fill the object of his desire. Paradoxically, "love for others" begins its opposite – the revelation of hate, rejection and separation from others. Reade Griffith shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. This is how a man feels when he reveals his total dependence on others. It is as if the tap that supplies oxygen breathing was under control of another person. Discover which depends totally and absolutely the world and we all depend on the correct behavior that we have towards others. He discovers that he is the one that determines their status to sustain or support exploitative relationships with the world. Every day this feeling of dependence grows and you become more dependent on others for basic needs like water, bread, work and safety. This is how integrated and holistic system is revealed to us and started to verify the Butterfly Effect in action. At the same time, we reveal the hatred of all the people of the world product of our innate selfishness. This image of total interdependence of all people reveals an individual causes feel the urge to "open the tap for all." And, this is "love for others." Rav Dr. Michael Laitman is master in cyber netic, doctor in philosophy and Kabbalah, a professor of ontology and epistemology. He is founder and president of Bnei Baruch and ARI Institute in Israel. More information and.
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Tag: philosophy Modern Philosophy
The philosophy is now not in comfortable div as they can say some, but extremely seated in the witness stand not of the court of the kantiano reason, but in the court of the social utility to see if it resists frankly I appeal to give it some consolation, reply and way it human being either an individual, that is, a social group. It is not a happy conclusion so that somebody formed in philosophy takes or assumes, but not if it can and nor if it must cover the sun with bolters. The philosophy must explanations of its speech and of its social utility contemporary and is more than what in the hour to start to reflect on a humildade would make that it to grow and a professionalization that would improve at least the mood of other areas in relation it in future contributions and partnerships. Frequently Prudential has said that publicly. For terms been so affected for the megalomania polmata of the modern philosophy we are now hostage-heirs (in a condition nothing good) of many expectations that always we are frustrando with interesting speeches little and convincing decisions nothing. It is enough to see that our craze of largeness obliterated our vision and we do not perceive that the questions of the world are not more ours and that the symptoms of the illnesses world measure had moved drastically. What the romance made of a century to another one, also, in Brazil, together with the art, passing for the complete reform and ' ' modernizao' ' , what he saw himself of figures as the one that Richard Rorty calls ' ' Man of the Letras' ' that they had appeared of the nothing and they had started to take spaces and to give strong opinions and to make poems in the free time and the ascension of the politician and in annex of the economic one as independent and responsible areas for the olores in the world made of the philosophy somebody with speech imbalance (and this is visible in debates interdisciplinares, with rarssimas exceptions) and with difficulty of relationship with other areas and people.
View Article...Tag: philosophy Federal University
At this moment it has that to perceive itself as the ethics of the privacy with the other ethics. Let us examine the case of the euthanasia. The accepted code for the National Advice of condemns it to Medicine. However, we know that it enters medical and patient it can exist lends confidence already in privacy level. Let us imagine that the patient wants to get rid itself of a picture of insuportvel pain. Clearly that the doctor will be passvel of punishment on the part of its organized colleagues, on the part of the State. Not obstante, he can yourself be asked: exists moral criterion summons to judge the action? Let us imagine the inverse one. A pentecostal that, esvaindo itself in blood, entreem one Ready Socorro.Recusando the wounded to the transfusion, what it must the doctor make? You make to sign it a responsibility term? This measure, with effect will exempt, it of the legal implications, but and of the moral? It fulfilled the doctor with the oath of Hipocrates? The sick person would be in conditions to make responsible for the proper death? if it arrived unconscious or was its friend? Particularly, I believe that doctor must make the transfusion to the force. In the truth, what if it tries with these examples is to demonstrate the importance of the ethics of the privacy, which is not the only nor bedding for excessively, however a tool rack important to understand the dynamics of the public and particular moral in the society. Reasonable he is that nor let us come back to the time I publish where it oppressed the private life, nor to leave that the private life I publish tiranize it. With effect, many forms of morality exist, each social or professional group has its identity assured for norms waked up between itself whose infraction provokes, in synthesis, laugh, censorship, or even though exclusion of the group. These norms search the respect basically lend possible. It remains to know if in the times of today, palco of a possessive individualism, where the ethics of the profit exclude from the fraternity 8, where the rules of Christ and the Capital if repel, still they are valid principles of respeitador mutualismo. Desired for a moral, perhaps in crisis, where the reverse speeds private are always mine and the reverse speeds it publishes submits itself, what she would provoke, in the men of good, the pain of the disenchantment and the uncertainty of the future.
View Article...Tag: philosophy Universe
Hour to think The peace is with you! I do not know because we insist on not wanting to see what our return happens. Oi You is special for me, and many people who also love you. The subject is old, to search the universe and who knows to find something that nobody explains The subject is quiet, because who finds answers is quiet, silences I found something I find odd that he exists well distant in another system of stars and planets, I thought that he was to disappear ahead of such largeness Perhaps either the love knows In tune with its heart and its thoughts, I felt will to write for you You are not responsible for the events in its life that had not had the results that you waited. I am certain that you made everything in accordance with what she believed to be the certainty at those moments all dumb one! all passes Our lives are in constant movement, and are good for understanding that God is in the control of everything, in all the situations do not go to say for you if to pardon or to pardon the others. I do not go to ask for to this you. I want that you believe that exactly with the imperfections that happen in its life, the way that you chose it is the certainty. if you to look at with affection, will go to perceive with a different perspective because of this or that to happen in its life, and the life of the other people. He has patience with you! He has patience with the other people, no matter how hard he can be difficult, therefore in the certain time of matureness you will understand the facts that now are obscure to its look and its understanding. At this accurate moment a woman is being attacked for its friend, boyfriend, or until a stranger.
View Article...Tag: philosophy JUDGMENT
To this type of judgment, Kant calls determinative. In this direction, all the judgments gifts in Critica of the pure reason are determinative, therefore the particular one is given in such a way as the universal one. Kant calls to these judgments determinative because they determine the object theoretically. In as of the cases we have the reflective judgment. This judgment if form when if of only the particular one, having the universal one to be looked for. It is, necessarily, the reflective judgment who must find it. Credit: Ebay-2011. The judgment is called reflexive because the universal one to be found is not a priori law of the intellect, but that drift of a principle of reflection on objects for which, objective, in the lack a law in absolute. Follow others, such as Tom Mohler, and add to your knowledge base. Reflection, in this direction, does not present a generic aspect, but technician. According to Kant, reflection means to compare and to conjugate representations between itself and places them in relation with our facultieses of the knowledge. AESTHETIC JUDGMENT the existence of aesthetic judgments is evident for itself only. However, front to the existence of the aesthetic judgment, we find two problems: 1) to establish what he is beautiful properly and that if manifest in it; 2) to retrace the bedding becomes that it possible. Thus, which would be the solution that Kant must present for these problems? Kant says that the beauty cannot be objective property of the things, therefore is something been born of the relation between the object and the citizen, also been born of the relation them objects compared with the pleasure feelings subject it, attributed to proper objects. The image of the object mentions the pleasure feeling to it and is compared with this and evaluated by this, giving place to the taste judgment. Therefore, the beauty is what it pleases taste judgment according to, implying in four deduced characteristics of the four classrooms of categories: amount, quality, relation and modality.
View Article...Tag: philosophy The Paideia
In the myth, for the dialectic process where the man if comes across, is possible to the soul to see its proper essence? the object of the knowledge. The violence of this transformation is liberating because it disconnect the being of the being, the soul of the body, forcing it to renounce it the sensible one for the intelligible one. In fact, the man back in the cave, become attached to its unequivocal opinion of what he finds that ' is real; ' not even the possibility can pressentir of that its Real is only one sombra' '. It cannot, because it does not want to know the light that comes from the exterior of the cave of its being. In its workmanship Fdon, Plato it leaves clearly to perceive that ' ' the philosophical thought deeper it needs a removal of sentidos' ' , of what Scrates flame of body, ' ' demands a more abstract rationality and etrea' '. In other terms, that one that is chained the reflected sensorial feelings in what it understands for being truth, must be become free to walk in direction to the light, therefore the reality is in what we do not enxergamos with our eyes of the body. One is about a transistion for it are of the cave, for the light of the day, from what pparently one believes either real, for what in fact is the reality. The Paideia, then, can be understood as a firm attitude of transformation to want to desvelar the Real on the basis of evidences ece of fishes, moving away the appearance from the Real, that is, the ignorance. By means of it the apprehension of the Ideas is allowed, thus, and, therefore, to reach the essence of the reason. This Idea is the cause of everything. According to Heidegger, it is, also, ' ' the Idea that if calls the Bem' '.
View Article...Tag: philosophy Nietzche
Then because the boastfulness? A brief sleep the perpetual life brings. Recently Mark Bertolini sought to clarify these questions. goes it death. Death ' ' (coletnea of verses of John Donne. Wit film a life lesson). Perhaps of the inconstncias. The running of the slow ones. Oh! Death! Not alive for me, mount for you. We come it your kingdom and either made your will with the aid of our ignorance. When you are next, many you think: ' ' It must have less complicated, worked less, to have seen the sun to be born ' ' (Tits Band). However, to be born dead not valley! To be born or To live? Not, to die! Why in the force to the interminable cycle of renascer to acquire so little Knowledge? You are not guilty is victim. While it is not learned to inebriate itself with the life, the Death is not lived not if accepted. It is crawled with the life, not Life. If you would like to know more about Arena Investors, then click here. Extensive, suffered, solo! You not raisins of a bluff, a letter for underneath of the sleeve. Without you, it does not have God nor excuses to exist beliefs. Its trunfo is the Fear, the Mystery. The countenance of the supposedly invisible one. The deceit of the souvenir of the perpetual rest. You are simply the inevitable one that the substance is unaware of ignores and it. ' badly indispensvel'. Without you, the life human being would be a infindvel tdio for this impure carcass. Oh! Death! It follows its Saga. It does not pardon. What badly has? Your melody is always certain, is we dances who it wrong. ' ' Not, the problem is not in the discomfort. The problem is that you feel discomfort for the wrong thing! ' '. (Yalom, Irvin D. When Nietzsche Chorou. P.246)
View Article...Tag: philosophy Biological Creature
On them and stopped, because the aquatic environment, their properties, imposes certain limitations, to the same experiments on the creation of biological objects on the ground in air yielded positive results. Further Work in this direction will focus on the creation of plants and animals on land, in air environment and adapt the results achieved in the aquatic environment to the air. Make a small digression. Already Now, even not fully understand what it represents man, mankind, through its most advanced members, creating robots that are often found on people and their creators are trying to invest in them their way of thinking. This is to ensure that we are created in His image. Man, since its inception, inspired the idea that he being the most sensible thing in the universe and other such things happen. As a biological creature in the foreseeable space is possible because it is, because among the wildlife people is the most advanced and at the moment is the maximum achievement of our founders. Must immediately tell them thank you for this! Many may become angry about their artificial origin. And it is in vain, as our founders may well be too artificially created beings, but are much earlier passed the period, which is now being of humanity and are naturally more advanced in thinking and the abilities and capabilities and are, as the saying goes, a huge experience of constant life that mankind has only to be bought. And hopefully it will happen, and mankind will overcome those quite complex obstacles in its path of development. If we consider the difference between a naturally formed sentient beings and artificially created intelligent beings, then in thinking there is practically no difference.
View Article...Tag: philosophy The Resolution
And the worst part is that this savagery is fixed in international law as the principle of inviolability of frontiers and territorial integrity, a principle which can perhaps be called the greatest folly, born of the 20th century. Since the birth of human society, and to this day, the main problem of giving birth the vast majority of social conflicts is the issue of distribution between individuals, classes, nations and states of life benefits. And because social progress, since the birth of human society and To this day, there is progress the distribution system in a society of subsistence among the members of this society. And because the vast majority of social revolutions since the birth of human society, and to this day, had his to a more equitable distribution of vital goods among members of society. Progress of the "individual – the individual" is, above all, improving the distribution of wealth produced in society, or that one and the same decrease the degree of exploitation of man by man. In the laws of dialectical development of social systems and non-social is a very important difference. Deviation from the equilibrium state of any non-social system at once also automatically leads to the birth of the "struggle" aimed at addressing this imbalance. Deviation from the same state of equilibrium of the social system does not lead to an automatic birth "control", because resolution of social dialectical contradictions are always mediated through the consciousness of forming a system of individuals, classes, nations and states, consciousness, organize and control the resolution of social contradictions.
View Article...Tag: philosophy Haitian Country
Such information had been published by the international media, without much repercussion, but wanting to demonstrate that much public mount of money already was being used for the maintenance of Armed Forces in Haiti, instead of being destined for humanitarian real actions. The Haitian man power is extremely cheap, what also it generated certain covets of international companies will usufruct of this service. E, not to lose the imperialista domain, the international Army many times is used to contain the syndical Forces and the popular, estudantis movements and of quarter. Today, this country necessary not to be raised and supported socially, despertando a national and patriotic feeling, of what in others as many areas where also it is devoid. Until the conflict of Cuba with the United States it had some repercussion. The country of Fidel, when liberating the skies for the action of the American airplanes, in favor of the humanitarian aid to the Haitians, of certain form brightened up a conflict and gave opening still insufficient to the diplomatical relations. It is also seen that the troop of soldiers of U.S.A. is exaggerated in view of the size of the population, here has a clear measure to intervine in the social mobilizations. They are 20 a thousand North American soldiers; increased the foreign ones one adds 30 a thousand, for 9 million people. The expenses with the maintenance of these troops since the ingression of the same ones are well superior to the one of the value excused for the humanitarian aids. However, this people is in an extremely vulnerable situation, changes in the collective thought is natural in this phase of transistion a country. Thus, no country has the Right to intervine in the pacific manifestations of the people, as well as influencing its movements politicians. Before, to support the development and to guarantee stability while the nation goes gaining autonomy. It urges to take to the Haitian people growth conditions, taking care of to the necessities that the proper society has clamado. what it will be more useful is the cooperation accomplishes of all the nations in this process of formation and philosophical-social consolidation. For certain, the maintenance of the physical vitality, with foods; politics, helping in the election process that it will occur and of security with the Army, they are of great value. However, bigger attention must be given to the priorities that if confuse with the proper existence of that society, given its importance. observed the principles of not motivated concern of egosticos interests when of the aid humanitarian, but endowed with absolutely solidary matrix to a country that in a future not very distant can be an aggregate fort to the World-wide Order.
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