You probably do not often heard at the gas station proposal from the operators to refuel an improved brand of fuel, such as Mustang, Vip-power, Euro, EKTO, Euro diesel, etc., depending on the brand names of super brands of the same. You are told that though more expensive, for a much higher quality and more efficient this type of fuel, brochures and show a certificate confirming truth of words. And so, these diesel fuels are certified and have improved performance as opposed to conventional grades of fuel. But another question, are you sure that your tank is filled with this kind of fuel? Not will be the same every time you go to the examination to confirm this? There is a suspicious car owners who simply abandon these brands of fuel and in some ways they are right, because in four cases out of ten you get conventional gasoline or diesel instead of super high-quality, cost of fuel! Not claim that it happens at all stations, but unfortunately there are many. For even more analysis, hear from Brian Krzanich. Typically, blame for this directly head of a Petrol station or regional leadership. In the first case, the chief sells through its fuel stations, rather, a certain amount, giving it a brand mark, taking into his own pocket the difference (I hope You understand that by good volumes, the difference is decent). The question arises from the people who have had experience with work stations professionally, as it bypasses the control of the counters? Interesting question about it will be discussed slightly lower. .
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