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Tag: venue Trace Goals Strategic

..Trace goals gives you a long-term vision and short-term motivation… We are about to start 2011, we have no doubt big dreams, but it is of vital importance having a strategic planning and draw concrete goals. Assigns a unique time to define and schedule your step by step goals it is very important to personal motivation to have dreams visualized in the mind, but in reality it is not enough to dream, because only action which can crystallize those cherished dreams. 2011 promises to be a year full of opportunities for who has taken care to draw strategic goals and has the focus, the decision and delivery to meet them step by step. Dreams are illusions intangible but motivating, goals instead are specific routes with definite shape, specific time for its creation and compliance, established action process. Don’t let your dream is suspended in an illusion without possibility to become a reality. Let me share with you a few lines of my book Consciousness of wealth and harmony inside do you ever wondered what are the specific characteristics of those human beings who are moving in your life by leaps, reaching achievements, generating and multiplying their possessions and their well-being, while others remain in a life stuck in lack, unhappiness and stress? Have you ever thought that it is what drives those men and women of great personal power, to glimpse a path of success through any obstacle, to see their most cherished dreams, made while others are struggling, and failing, without being able to move forward? Winners, success-minded people and those who have already accumulated results, know precisely where you want to go and in which direction advancing to meet their goals. Therefore here I propose a step-by-step guide to map out your goals strategically defined your goals with precision, what is accurate and specifically what you want? Your goals should be measurable, quantifiable and with a deadline for their compliance with every one of your goals should be fully detailed written trace a specific plan to reach the point in which you find yourself where you want to reach, with the tools you have at your fingertips divides the plan to success in small stages of easy compliance, will be easier to achieve a great goal in small challenges each one of your goals should have a specific dateThis point is of utmost importance to give formality and speed to your progress.

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