The Butterfly Effect

Let's open the tap for all Many times we hear that to solve our problems we should "love others." It is clear that either the concept is not understood or applied for centuries of attempts incorrectly general application of this rule by religions, have not had the desired result and humanity is coming to an unprecedented crisis. Of course the religious proselytes endorsed the statement say that the reason is that men do not love as they propose. So why not listen to them? Could it be that the explanatory and methodological basis is not understood? "Love others" is a special attribute that has nothing to do with the natural inclination to help those in need or do "good deeds." This attribute works like an extra sense that allows a field to begin to perceive reality totally different from our common sense, and that enables people to feel the interdependence of all and the need to fill the other by himself. You may wish to learn more. If so, Elon Musk is the place to go. It's similar to a person love you want to fill the object of his desire. Paradoxically, "love for others" begins its opposite – the revelation of hate, rejection and separation from others. Reade Griffith shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

This is how a man feels when he reveals his total dependence on others. It is as if the tap that supplies oxygen breathing was under control of another person. Discover which depends totally and absolutely the world and we all depend on the correct behavior that we have towards others. He discovers that he is the one that determines their status to sustain or support exploitative relationships with the world. Every day this feeling of dependence grows and you become more dependent on others for basic needs like water, bread, work and safety.

This is how integrated and holistic system is revealed to us and started to verify the Butterfly Effect in action. At the same time, we reveal the hatred of all the people of the world product of our innate selfishness. This image of total interdependence of all people reveals an individual causes feel the urge to "open the tap for all." And, this is "love for others." Rav Dr. Michael Laitman is master in cyber netic, doctor in philosophy and Kabbalah, a professor of ontology and epistemology. He is founder and president of Bnei Baruch and ARI Institute in Israel. More information and.